I was teased, but never bullied. If someone wanted to try that on me, I would have gladly asked them if they wanted to go outside and see who among us was the tougher one. Yep, not the most constructive way to end a dispute, but I found it more effective. I am definitely my father's daughter- none of this girl "I'll talk behind your back, turn others against you, and dedicate my life to making you miserable"- who honestly has time for that? If someone went that route I definitely put an end to it quick. Being larger than average definitely came in handy at times.

There has never been a point where I wasn't teased for something:

In grade 3 and 4 I started to have to wear a bra, which generally doesn't go unnoticed when the rest of the girls in your class are still wearing Rainbow Brite undershirts.

In grade 5 and 6 I got a major growth spurt (by the end of grade 6 I was the height I am now, almost 5'10), so definitely stood out, when apparently the name of the game was to blend in.

In grade 7 and 8 I started gaining weight, so that put another target on my back (sidebar- when I graduated highschool I was 180lbs....after my first year of university I was 210 lbs...now am down to 135- thank friggin' god).

I went to a uniform catholic highschool, so as a rebellion I decided to dress as different as possible. I also really got into punk music (as in from the 70s and 80's- not the junk that gets called 'punk' now), which definitely influenced my look (and still does now). I grew my hair long and dyed it black, was into weird eyemakeup (drawing vines around my eyes with eyeliner and using glitter to make flowers, etc.), wore chains and collars, fishnets, the whole deal. Got used to being called 'freak', being given dirty looks, talked about, etc. I figured screw them- I was getting good grades and was going to get a scholarship outta that place. That, and I hung around with the other 'freaks'- mostly the music and art bunch.So look, association,compounded with the weight and the fact that I was outspoken, basically put a giant target on my back.

I didn't have one of those moms who was like "oh my god, people are being mean to my baby, I'm going to go talk to the school"- she told me basically to suck it up, highschool doesn't mean a damned thing, and that in the end it will just make you a stronger person. And it completely did- where are those people that made fun of me when I was in highschool? Still in my hometown, dropped out or didn't go to university, either living at home or with one of their baby's daddies. Woohoo- sounds like a great time.

I think that to some extent people put TOO much of a focus on what happens in highschool- even now5 years out of highschool, I only talk on a regular basis to 3 people that I went to school with. All the issues back then that would really piss me off seem SO insignificant now, and definitely not worth my time or energy. So, if anyone here is currently in highschool and being teased- don't worry about it. Highschool is a vast wasteland of insecurity and infighting- but it doesn't last forever. Instead of spending your time worrying about it, or feeling down, channel that energy into getting good grades and working hard so you can make something of yourself in the real world. Because highschool is NOT what it's all about. Once you are in university or the workforce, no one really gives a damn whether you were miss popularity or that kid who ate lunch in the bathroom because they had no one to sit with.

*amber*Edited by: crimgoddess