I actually really agree with that. However, I think there's a big difference between not liking something and actually being afraid of it. I, for examples, don't like spiders. if there's a spider in my room, I'll scream, jump up and down on the bed, and run out of the room until someone kills it for me. I wouldn't call that a phobia though- I don't not go in the room where there was once a spider. I don't get all panicy when I go outside because there might be a spider there.

I think it's the same with v-. Many people don't care at all. Others are bothered by it and don't really enjoy watching others v- or leave the room or close their eyes or whatever. They also stay away from others who are v-ing in many cases. The school has rules against bringing v- kids into the school because they're worried about contaminating everyone, but that's not emet related. A lot of people who are sick don't go to work or leave their home while they are contageous.

However, those people aren't nervous constantly about v- or situations where v- might be around. They don't worry where they sit in the movie theatre for example, because they don't have v- on their minds 24/7. They don't mind riding in the middle seat of the car even though there's people behind them who might v-. They probably won't pull their kids out of school just because another student in their class was sick for fear of infection. They don't have a list of "safe foods" that most likely won't make them sick for fear of v-ing. Those of us with emet. do those sort of behaviors. That's the difference between a casual fear or just not liking something and an actual phobia.