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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    That's funny...I just realized that I was experiencing a ton of anxiety too when I developed this fear...I had just moved to the other side of town, went to school with completely new people, finishing sixth grade and going to middle school, feeling like a nerd and trying to make friends and fit in...I had never thought of it that way, but that makes sense...I am with you on the perspective of it Crimgodess...

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I wasn't an emet until I had my son 2 1/2 years ago. I was so ill from a bad reaction to Depo-Provera and it scared me so badly to be so sick that I couldn't care for my son. That's the only reason I have this fear. I honestly think that if my son for some reason, were gone or not my responsibility (not that I would ever give up my sweet baby, I'm just trying to illustrate this for you), my emet would go away. It's just the thought of being so sick that I can't handle him, that causes the emet. Maybe if I had someone to help me raise him, if I wasn't a single mom, I could share the responsibility and the emet would go away.

    But yes, I can remember not being an emet and that is so painful. I was very proud of who I was...brave, ambitious, determined...the Old Mewould beso disappointed in the person I am today. There was so much I wanted to accomplish in life that my emet keeps me from doing today. I've given up a lot because of emet.



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