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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Once again it's me to complain, I am FED UP WITH THIS STUPID DUMB OLD HAG apparently named "mum".

    Just last week or so it was mom cooking lamb that was out of date by 3 days, this week it's worse!

    The stupid, stupid woman cooked my dinner in a pot she didn't wash out, and had made chicken curry in 2 nights ago!! Basically, I ate my noodles, then looked at the pot on the sink and noticed an orange ring around the edge, then asked mom about it, she just rolled her eyes and said "Chicken curry from the other night, it wont hurt you."

    If I get sick she'll blame it on the computer, I know it.

    Why thehell are some people so dumb!? She keeps calling me parranoid and says salmonella only lives in raw chicken, not undercooked, not chicken thats been cooked and left in a cupboard for 2 days. She's a nurse at the hospital! And she doesn't even know what antibiotics are for crying out loud!! Argh I'm going insane! I am making my own meals from now on. So, it's only been 10 minutes after the ingestion of the contaminated food.

    I'm not too scared, mainly because if I contract Salmonella infection, I either:

    1: Slit my wrist, it ain't worth it again to live with a stupid mom who thinks that nonstop bedrest is ok when I can't even get up to get water.

    2: If I get sick, I will drag myself from bed, dial 000 for the hospital and tell them to get me to the base. I'll get antibiotics if the strain is non-resistant and be done with.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    I don't think you'll end up with salmonella, but please keep us posted. Also, not sure how old you are, but if it were me, I;d start cooking for myself than risk anything else.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2006


    I'm 17, and I would cook for myself, but parents are really strict. Either way, I'm buying pre-packed microwave meals, seriously, I could eat truck stop bathroom sandwiches and I'd have less risk of getting sick rather from my moms cooking.

    I'll keep you posted, it hasn't been long, but as usual, fake nausea is building up, not that I care for once, this may be a time that I am going to be really sick but rather than cowarding I'm sitting tall and feeling strong.

    I'm gonna fight this sickness, no matter how many days of nausea it takes. And follow my science teachers advices to drink stacks of coke, as it's highly acidic. Hopefully that might eliminate SOME of the bacteria (if any) in my stomach. Then again, chancesare it will creep back up the pipe to my stomach again.

    The d*, cramps and pain from hell doesn't bother me at all, just the v*, but if I v*, I'm still gonna be fighting and posting if possible.

    Come to think of it, quite a few mild symptoms have shown up. My face is burning hot with fever, or maybe that could be anger, and I feel n*, my chest is aching really heavily, and I've got one of those blasted headaches.

    I guess I'll see how I do.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006



    I just got back from the W.C. My feces have literally gone broccoli green, and I got traces of blood running through it. It's not completely d* yet but it's getting there.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United Kingdom


    Wow Jay you sure do seem to get sick a lot huh? Like everytime you post here I think. I thought you were staying with your girl anyway? Why go home for food?
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Wow, I don't know what to say about all if that!! Ican't imagine not washing a pot that I cooked meat in and then using it again. Wow. I hope all is okay,I am sure there is no salmonella in it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Hi Jay.. I'm so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well again! It sounds like you really need to get away from your mom! Not just because of her cooking but because it seems like she is not very supportive of you. Also, it doesn't matter if you are emet or not, failing to wash a pot after cooking ANYTHING is very dangerous, especially meat!

    Did she eat some of the noodles as well? If so, is she showing any signs of fp? Remember, our brains can create sick feelings, just because you are feeling n* doesn't mean you are getting ill! It could just be your emet flaring up and freaking you out... look at how many times people post on here that they are n* but always turn out ok!

    Just for the record... I've had green poo before too... and I'm still alive! Now traces of blood may be a problem.

    Keep us informed of your situation, I'm worried about you!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    United States


    Your headache, hot face and chest pain sound like you mom has pissed you off so bad that your blood pressure has shot up! Deep breaths.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Maybe you shoud startcooking for yourself.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
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    Yeah, cook for yourself....don't be so hard on your mom though...i have a 16 yr old son, and if he talked to me the way you are sounding to your mom, i would be heartbroken.....just cook for yourself from now on , and then you wont' have to worry about it as much....i am not trying to be smart to you, but as a mom, i know i am not appreciated alot of times for the things i do for my son, but then again, i would never cook him food from a dirty pot either
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    \"I Wish I Was Still In Aruba\"

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    United States


    Jay -

    Have you ever heard the story of the boy who cried wolf? I don't think you can say you have definate salmonella until you've had a doctor test for it. Really - for someone who claims to be over his phobia - you sure have an awful lot of emet-related drama in your life...

    I'm not trying to be rude to you - but you should watch how you word your posts...

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    United States


    Yeah I agree with the others you should start cooking for yourself. I've never had a problem with my mom's food. Except for the one or two times she used the same plate to carry raw meat and the serve it. I chewed her out on that one, I'm sure she didn't do it on purpose but she doesn't do it any more. But I've been eating my mom's cooking for 21 years and I've never ONCE gotten FP. If you don't like the way your mom does things then change it! That's what I would do.

    David Duchovny I want you to love me
    To kiss and to hug me, debrief and debug me
    David Duchovny I know you could love me
    I\'m sweet and I\'m cuddly-I\'m gonna kill Scully!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    United States


    jay - I'm still curious about all those students at your school who got salmonella from contaminated cafeteria food? How was their recovery?

    And are you sure that in less than an hour from when you first posted, you've got blood in your stool??

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Ok guys,

    Went to hospital, tested for salmonella, results came back positive, mild case. I've got it just like last time except no v* but I don't recall pains like these back then. Still, the doctor asked if I've had any cases of fp before, I told him I had and he said the effects should be less severe. He then went on about how the immune system creates antibodies, blah blah blah, learnt that at school already buddy.

    I know how it would sound to you guys, that every time I come on here, I get sick, but that's my household, our family is poor as anything, our parents are cruel.

    As for getting sick, the reason is because I was forced to move back to Orange, I might have mentioned that my parents are split, and at that time, I moved down to Sydney to live with dad. Things were ok there until my mom started saying dad wasn't legally letting her see me, hell I don't WANT to see nor live here. But due to dad being at work most of the time, he didn't have time to drive me to TAFE college or work so I had to move back here.

    Dad is more of a richer person but mom has lived in poverty ever since she hooked up with this guy named Ken. I hate him, my brother, dad, other brother, friends, friends' parents all hate him because he's done illegal stuff a lot, beat me, my dad, my brother up, etc, I don't think I'm allowed to say what else he does but it's bad enough.

    Anyway, that makes life hell here, ask Amy, or Gecko (little brother), they will both tell you the same thing, life sucks, parents here suck, and mom is stupid for staying with him, he takes her good money, (up to $2000 a week) and feeds it into the poker machines or buys lots of cigarettes.

    Sure it may be hard for mom putting up with a night job and all but cooking our dinner in food pots that have chicken from last night!? When she heard the doctor saying I have a mild case of Salmonellosis Enteridis or something like that, she was like "so that comes from chicken?" and he told her it can come from undercooked chicken and all that kinda stuff.

    So basically I guess I'm lucky not to be v*, but the d* is more screwed upthan Rodney King and basically, it's bed rest for the rest of this week for me. Don't worry about me and thanks very much, the support and help you guys gave was all read and much appreciated.

    Jay Rough signing off...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    As for the salmonella incident at TAFE college, I haven't found any articles on the net, but there is an article in the local paper, I'll cut it out and scan it if you want, it might have to wait until I set up my scanner/photocopier/printer all in one.

  16. #16
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    United States


    Yeah, that would be cool. I'd be interested to see it.

    Quote Originally Posted by jay_rough

    As for the salmonella incident at TAFE college, I haven't found any articles on the net, but there is an article in the local paper, I'll cut it out and scan it if you want, it might have to wait until I set up my scanner/photocopier/printer all in one.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Jay I feel so bad for you. I think you should make food yourself. I cant belive that your mom doesnt care that what she is cooking is making you sick. And if it is making you sick, how is not making your mom sick?

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    Jay it seems to me you made your mind up that you had this illness before it even started when in actual fact this kind of thing wouldn't automatically lead to getting an illness. You post such graphic stories so often about things that I in all honesty, question if they happen or not, or if they do to the severity you claim. And you stated that you live with parents/GF/Just mum, I'm not very sure where you live lol Maybe this is something we should take up in PM.
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  19. #19
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    <TABLE id=HB_Mail_C&#111;ntainer height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNABLE="&#111;n">
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    <TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNABLE="off">i totaly agree with you, ive thought this for a long time now!!</TD></TR>
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  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United Kingdom


    Jay if your mom won't let you cook, maybe you could offer to do the washing up instead, then at least you'd know the pots are clean?!?

    Hope you're feeling better!

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Hi guys, a bit better now, but having some difficulty sleeping.

    Anyway, lemme answer these questions:

    And if it is making you sick, how is not making your mom sick?
    That food she cooked was some noodles for me. And where we had bad lamb a few weeks ago, my brother got sick too, I think I mentioned that, and that mom felt a tad queasy.

    And you stated that you live with parents/GF/Just mum, I'm not very sure where you live lol Maybe this is something we should take up in PM.

    I live with my mom and stepdad in Orange. This little country town. Occasionally, I transfer to Sydney (well more specifically, Blaxland, but I say Sydney so most people get a general idea that I'm not in the middle of Australia anymore), to live with dad. Girlfriend spends a LOT of time over here, seeing as her parents work full time, I say she lives here but matter of fact she hasn't been coming around much anymore since she got a job.

    Moonshadow: Jay if your mom won't let you cook, maybe you could offer to do the washing up instead, then at least you'd know the pots are clean?!?

    Hope you're feeling better!

    Thanks, but I can't really cook much except noodles, popcorn, junk food, and a couple of other small meals. Doesn't really matter, I just eat what I'm given, yet I might be better off with no net for a while, it doesn't seem right that I say "meh ok ill eat this bad food" then come and complain and vent here on the site.

    Still lot's of people could say that my stories sound either unconvincing or half-untrue. As stated above, ask Gecko (Jason, my little brother, he's registered on this site) or Amy. Mainly Jason though, he gets sick a lot too but I doubt he has emet. Still, most of the sickness we get is just colds or general nausea.

    Hope that cleared up a few questions, if not, then... meh [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

  22. #22
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    United Kingdom


    Guys maybe we should give Jay a bit of a break.. we don't know everyones life stories on here and maybe the way he has just blurted all of that out on this thread seems a bit exaggerated or something, but unless we can say for sure otherwise, we should give him the benefit of the doubt.

    I know if I put my families history or story on here, It would sound very made up and exaggerated too!

    I do agree that you shouldn't cry wolf and tell yourself that you've DEFINATELY GOT SALMONELLA' before you have been told so by a med. professional.

    Its very easy for our bodies/minds to create all the symptoms so that we feel we actually have it, when we don't. You may have had traces of the bug in your system but not actually enough to give you full blown FP - but then created the anxiety symptoms yourself - diarhoea, shakes/fever,stomach aches. I know i've done that in the past!!

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    Don\'t regret the things you have done - regret those that you haven\'t!
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  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2005


    Hey Jay, sorry this is happening to you, dude! You don't seem to be having much luck lately, lol!

    I can't offer much advice, as I live in a very hygienic sort of household...but I honestly do think cooking for yourself, or at least helping your mum out in the kitchen could help both of you!

    It might sound a bit of a geeky hobbyto a 17 year old guy like you, but try to get into cooking and recipes and that sort of thing - it seems you've had alot of bad experiences with FP, so maybe getting some enjoyment out of food would be good for you. Seriously, there is nothing to cooking if you're following instructions. Just start with some simple, healthy stuffand see how you go - I really, really think you'd benefit from taking more of an active role in what you eat at home. Its just a suggestion, really, but give it a go...anything is better than worrying about when you might next get FP. It'll also put your mind at ease about hygiene, if you're involved in the preparation.
    \"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars..\"

  24. #24
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    United Kingdom


    I'm not trying to be harsh again here but Jay, dude, not being able to cook is not a great excuse is it? LOL Ok maybe I am being a little mean but if my mums cooking made me sick on a regular basis I wouldn't keep eating it and then telling everyone how dumb she is for making me sick lol
    Be courageous, believe in yourself, and be the best woman you can be. I'm with you all the way.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Thanks all for the support, the reason I wrote definate salmonella was because mainly I was scared but also because I was angry. Still, I'll give cooking a try.

    Also, I did still get a mild case of FP, which proved to mom she needs to be a little more hygenic.

    By the way, can any of you get the Chatroom working on this site?

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    United States


    Jay -

    If her hygiene is the problem - wash the dishes FOR her. That way - you'll know all the pots and pans are clean. The good part is - you don't have to know how to cook to know how to do the dishes...

  27. #27
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    It's not worth it, I'm moving out very very soon (seeing as I dropped out of college) and my lousy parents employed me at the box factory where I either pack boxes or mow lawns (place for mentally retarded people, seriously!) even whilst I have a perfectly good job down at Coles.

    I'll save up some money and rent a place, with my government pension money (which parents just cut off since I stopped college) I can afford one, and I'll use work money to buy my own dishes and stuff. That was the stupidest bit, is that I can't leave the watchful eye of my parents, I can't even legally leave the state without permission from both because of this disibility.

  28. #28
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    All I can do is encourage you to do the best you can with your situation. I know it is hard when you don't agree with your parents "lifestyle" choices, but you can either deal with them or move out. My grandparents (I live with my grandparents) and both of them do things that are highly questionable in terms of sanitation and health, but I just do my best to cope.

    1. I prepare as many of my own meals as possible. Yes, I live off of lots of pb&amp;j and other basic things because I cannot afford my own food to cook. Frozen dinners, frozen waffles, pancake mix, and dry cereal are amazing too! I try and not eat things I know will be used for main family meals or I just use smaller portions. Sometimes I will ask for certain meals to be prepared and then eat them --- my family rarely complains when I actually ask to eat dinner with them now!
    2. When I do eat what they prepare, I attempt to watch them prepare it or volunteer to help so I know what is going into things.
    3. I'm vegetarian, which has helped considerably. They accept I don't eat certain things and that helps a lot in terms of what types of FP I'm exposed to because they know I'm very careful.
    4. I used to eat 2/ 3 meals at school because my school's cafeteria had good food (while I was in high school). I wasn't vegetarian then, but I got solid meals and had much less to worry about during the week in terms of getting nutrition. My family gladly paid for my breakfast/ lunch at school because it was VERY CHEAP and I ate without complaining.
    5. HAND SANITIZER!!! I am the only person in my household who uses it. I have it by my bed, in my purse/ bag, and I always know where to find some.

    I also have my own personal stash of medicines in case I do get sick. I have bought them all with my own money. I have everything from anti-D* to anti-V* to anti-acids to laxatives. They are all over the counter, but at least I can counter-act (to some degree) whatever I accidently get exposed to while eating.

    You really just do the best you can with what you are given. Be creative and I really do like the suggestion that someone else gave about volunteering to do the dishes. What about volunteering to clean up after dinner too? Then you will know that the food has been put away safely. I bet your mom would love for you to help in the kitchen and it would also help keep your family healthier if her lack of sanitation issues are really the culprit. My family loves it when I do the dishes without being asked and really enjoy it when I put their dinner away!
    I\'m always a shade of purple...
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  29. #29
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    Thankyou very much for the info Purpleteacher.

    I guessI can start doing the dishes, but I'm with dad at the moment, he's suggesting that me and mom save up together to buy a good dishwasher.

    Still, thanks anyway.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    United States


    You guess you can start doing the dishes? lol I think it would be a nice gesture and be more sanitary.

    So weren't you still in college just a few weeks ago when the food poisoning went around? Why did you drop out so suddenly?



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