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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    I have not had to post anything in a while (thank God!) but i use this site when i have no reassurance from anywhere else. please read..

    i am young (18) and so is my boyfriend (21) and he works out of town with his dad every week and comes home on weekends, well today he called me about 3 hours after his lunch break and said that all of sudden his throat started hurting really bad and he threw up and then he started having a fever, chills, feels really weak, stuffy nose, bad headache, etc. the list goes on!!! but he hasnt been around anyone sick (that he knows of) and i am so scared I AM GOING TO CATCH IT!! i was with him all weekend LITERALLY...i did not leave his house but for a couple of hours to spend Easter with my family...and me and him just got off the phone a few minutes ago because he thought he was gonna get sick again, he took a BC powder for his headache before he got sick the first timeand then he took another one about an hour before he started feeling sick again please someone tell me something that gives me comfort, could i get sick by him before he started showing symptoms? do you know of any kind of virus that hits you like that all of a sudden, i mean he said he felt PERFECT this morning he ate breakfast and then for lunch ate a chicken salad from Burger King. so in all honesty...what should i do? ive done isolated myself from him this weekend (i told him there was NO WAY i was hanging out with him this weekend LOL) so what else should i do? ever since he told me he was sick my throat has been bothering me, its probably in my mind, but i know the actual FLU could make you nauseous, but i GOOGLED it and it said they are not common symptoms of the flu..so im like WTF is wrong with him...any ideas??? reply ASAP!!!



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    My son's girlfiends dad, when he got sick 3 weeks ago, he started with a sore throat, but when Mike got sick he didnt have a sore throat. Kim

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    Young people usually children when they get influenza could have v*. Does he still have a sore throat? If his throat is bad he could have strep, strep can cause all the symptoms you mentioned, how is he tonight? BTW where are you from? Kim

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    It actually sounds kind of like Influenza, which depending on where you live, is still alive and well. It usually doesn't cause gastrointestinal symptoms in adults, but it can. My exhusband would have n* and v* with it. It comes on pretty suddenly. The last tiime I caught it from one of the kids, it just hit me when I was getting out of my car, I had felt fine the whole day, then I just had chills and a terrible headache and fever. I have a copy of the department of defense infectious disease handbook, I pretty much have the thing memorized. I don't think that there are too many other likely causes for the symptoms you're describing. Unless he was in the Congo or something. If it is influenza, you can try to get a prescription for Tamaflu as a preventitive measure, but it has some side effects as well. The flu sucks, but if you happen to catch it, it shouldn't involve the symptoms you're most afraid of. Get some Airborne tablets and eat some blueberries to help build up your immune system just to be safe. Blueberries have very strong anti-viral properties. I'd hate to hope it was the flu, but if you're anything like me, you'd take it over any of the alternatives. best of luck.


  5. #5
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    Jan 2006
    United States


    I would def. want it over the throwing up anyday..i just got over the flu a couple of weeks ago...yeah i just got off the phone with him..he claims to have thrown up again..but i dont know..he might just be using the throwing up to get to come home tomorrow because hes a baby when it comes to colds, but he knows how i am...about the throwing up thing, so i dont know if he would tell me he had puked..but he hasn't had diarhhea or anything like that, and yeah he's all congested and feels really weak still has a sore throat too..he said everything hurts..he feels like someone has been beating him with metal sheets..lol..but he may be blowing it out of proportion, he works outside in the heat all day and he had just finished eating his burger king chicken salad when it hit him (like an hour after he ate)...how in the hell does it come on so fast??? plus..we went to his cousins this past weekend and she and her friend was both sick with a cold where they had all the symptoms above except the throwing up part..wtf is wrong with him?!?!?! help!!IM SCARED..my throat is really bothering me..i dont wana throw up..i actually started crying...about 15 minutes ago. i dont know what to do..


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    His stomach could just be really sensative to the sinus drainage (causing the sore throat, congestion, etc.). If he doesn't have d*, then my guess is drainage is causing him to v*.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States


    what do i do ? i cant sleep with this thought in my mind...that im gonna get sick..i wish i was normal like everyone else and could just NOT worry about it!

    what do yall think is wrong with him.is it possible for me to catch it before he was showing symptoms??? he's out of town right now and i told him i wont hanging out with him this weekend...and im not, i stay true to my word..

    what else is there to do? just wait..[img]smileys/smilies_07.gif[/img]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    Take a deep breath. I know it's hard, but relaxing is the best thing you can do for yourself right now. I agree with the others, it sounds like influenza, which doesn't usually involve v* in adults. Maybe he has a sensitive stomach, or has strep, (which I had at one point, and it didn't bother my tummy, but it can).
    Focus on what you can do to keep well, which includes keeping calm. Garlic and ginger are both good for the immune system. You could take some extra vitamin c, that's also good. I have heard airborne is good.
    Relax and take good care of yourself. Read a book or watch tv, distract yourself. We are here for you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    United States


    He probably has the flu, but he got sick after taking those BC powders. Those things or plain, uncoated aspirin can tear your stomach up, especially if you aren't feeling great to start with. That could have been what caused the v*. You are probably fine regarding being around him before he was sick.

  10. #10
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    Jan 2006
    United States


    good cause im scared lol..his out of town crew dropped him off at home today, but he knows im not going to be around him ...at least not for a couple of days ..maybe even longer i called out of work today cause im scared that its gonna hit me suddenly (like it did him)..and im just gonna start v* everywhere..im feeling a bit better than last night, but this is getting old most girlfriends would be right there beside him sleeping and feeding him soup and me?...im drawing a mile barrier between us because i dont wanna get sick. it didnt sound like a sv to me either..it sounds like the flu (cause thats what his cousins had a few other folks he was around all weekend) BUT they didnt throw up with theirs, never felt like it. so i dont know..

    in all honesty, when is it safe to be around him again??


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    United States


    I've gotten food poisoning from both Wendy's and Burger King, and there is another thread right now about contaminated lettuce at restaurants. Maybe he got sick from the Burger King, and could be that he also caught the cold from his cousins? Just a thought.

    I suspect you'd be fine, since everywhere I read that it's contagious as soon as symptoms start. I would also avoid him this weekend though, just to be safe. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]
    Take small account of might, wealth and fame, for they soon pass and are forgotten. Instead, nurture love within you and and strive to be a friend to all. Truly, compassion is a balm for many wounds.

  12. #12
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    Jan 2006
    United States


    cool thats what i was going to do avoid him ...he'll go back to work monday so then thats another entire week without having to be around him..sound safe to start hangin out with him next weekend though? i'd hate to withdraw myself from him for almost a month HAHA but I WOULD yeah thats what he thought the throwing up came from (Burger King chicken salad) cause he threw up like an hour after that..and then threw up once more before he laid down...but i talked to him today and he says although he hasnt threw up again (thank god) he hasnt been hungry and he doesnt wanna eat. what's really bothering him is his headache and body aches. he also has a stuffy nose, sore throat, and a fever. so i dont know. im kinda thankful he has to work out of town..or else i woulda probably been around him monday and the day he threw up thank God for his job! please reply and give me more reassurance, its workin!!!


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    United States


    I was kinda thinking of food poisoning along with catching this flu, it could be very possible. Kim

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Sounds like he has tonsillitis. My son always starts with a sore throat and within hours his temp sky rockets and he throws up. If his throat is still super sore I would make him go to the doc. You never know.

  15. #15
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    Jan 2006
    United States


    he had an abcess in his throat a couple of months ago that he had to go to UNC-Chapel Hill for..my throat and chest are starting to bother me im freakin out.i feel really tired also. but my mom also felt the same way this morning, my boyfriend feels better today he ate some mcdonalds and everything, he still has the cold/flu symptoms, a very sore throat, bad headache, not a bad fever anymore and his chest is starting to bother him a bit. but says its not a stomach virus, but how the hell would he know? im mad, hes mad at me cause he says he doesnt have a virus and i wont catch anything like that from him..but if i do get sick from him (like as in ive already been exposed to the virus and jsut havent caused it) i guess i will hang out with him,but until im sure ive already got it ...until then..i aint going around him till he's better...but he says the throwing up isnt contagious, that he works outside in the heat, he took a BC, ate Burger King chicken salad, and he gets like that. so i dont know? why would he throw up after he got out of the heat..after he's already thrown up(got the food out) , i mean what else could it be? he said he feels a bit better though, but i dont trust it....

  16. #16
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    Dec 2005
    United States


    That is definately influenza. The headache and aches are a kew part of influenza, does he have a fever also? Coughing and chest cold may come on too. If hes so weak he can barely stand 30 seconds, thats the flu. All he can do is let it takes its course, drink fluids, take Tylenol for pain, I took Tylenol Flu liquid and it helped a lot, even with the aches. Does he live with you? Were you with him the day before he got sick? Kiss him, anything like that? If your immune system is i good shape, you should be ok, drink plenty of orange juice that'll give you some vitamin C. Kim

  17. #17
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    Feb 2006
    United States


    I also think it sounds like Influenza. I definitely don't think a regular sv* would act that way at all. Some people v* from headaches- didn't he have one??? Like everyone said, just stay out of his way.

  18. #18
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    United States


    welp i do believe i am getting sick, been having a headache all day, throat is sore and chest hurts, feel congested..but no nausea whatsoever, i hope i dont end up throwing up ....he had a sore throat right before he threw up..so since i got all the symptoms so far(just not as bad yet) i shoulda already thrown up right???

    hey he mighta just used the throwing up as a ploy to come home?? cause he was eating fine and feeling fine before he threw up.

    anybody wanna help decode or what?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    United States


    I think he had the cold flu and so do you. A lot of people v* cause of all the stuff draining into the bellys. You can also get d* from that too. You wont v* dont worry, just gotta fight off that naughty cold now.

  20. #20
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    I understand how you feel! I know that when someone close gets sick and v* I have to be away from them and tell myself I am fine! Even though I wishI could be normal and want to take care of them but I just can't. I know if you are like me when you get that scared you want to leave but your to scared to move and it consumes you. Call a friend and go to thier house, do something to take your mind off of it. I know I have to talk it out for hours or days until I can begin to feel normal again! Hang in there kid I know this stinks! You will be fine! Even if you get sick it does not mean that you will v*.

  21. #21
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    United States


    Hey, I know a lot of people that work outside and a lot of times they get overheated with the physical labor and that makes them sick as well. It's like swimming after you eat, the stomach is trying to digest and if you're moving around on it...especially if it's nasty fast food...[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    I don't think you'll v* though. He's probably right, it's probably nothing contagious. I can't take any time off of work, so I can't afford to get sick (plus I take classes at night and I volunteer on weekends, so I can't even stay home one day without it affecting my life, ugh) - this is the excuse I use if I think my bf has something contagious (recently he v* but it was from drinking, ha ha, I avoided him for a day anyway). He had a sore throat he thought was strep, but it turned out not to be, I avoided him for days anyway. Can you use that excuse so your bf doesn't get too mad about not seeing him this weekend? It makes sense that you wouldn't want to catch any illness, not just sv*.
    Take small account of might, wealth and fame, for they soon pass and are forgotten. Instead, nurture love within you and and strive to be a friend to all. Truly, compassion is a balm for many wounds.



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