Hey Violet,

I wish there was a pill you could take that would magically remove all your anxiety -all your aches pains and n* would go too, I bet! I think the more you worry about it, the worse you'll feel. If anything was going to happen, it would have by now.

Have you tried the usual anti-n* stuff? Funny enough, I just remembered something last night. I worked in a bar for eight years, and one night I was feeling n*.Someone suggested a glass of soda water with a drop or two of Angostura bitters. (it comes in a little bottle with what looks like newsprint wrapped round it, you use it to make pink gin) I didn't like the sound of it, but I tried it, and it worked! You just sip it slowly.

Did you and your gf eat the same food? Maybe something didn't agree with you. Get some Yakult down you - if you drink pro-biotics regularly, they can protect against food poisoning.

Wish I could be more helpful. Hope you feel ok soon!

Fiona x