Don't worry about getting clothes from your room. You might sanitize the door handles or just wash your hands afterwards but I highly doubt he's been v* into your clothes drawers! That would be awfully strange behavior.

It's a good sign that he's sipping 7 Up and saltines. Those are good bland foods to start with. Obviously he's a grown man and in charge of what he eats, but I'd hold off on the mac and cheese since dairy is hard to digest particularly after a bout with stomach difficulties.

If what he has is contagious, it is especially important that you eat well and stay rested to keep your immune system healthy. I know that's much easier said than done; maybe other people won't agree with this, but you almost might consider taking a sedating anti-histamine (like Benadryl) to help you sleep through the night if you're likely to keep yourself up worrying about it. You could keep a bottle of Pepto Bismol by your bed if you're afraid you will wake up n*. Some comforting info about Pepto: in one study, the participants were given Ipecac syrup (a STRONG emetic) and half of them were given Pepto while the other half were given nothing. The ones who got nothing almost all v* (96%) but the ones who were given Pepto mostly did not (26%!) It's good stuff My mom got the sv* in 2000, when my brother and I had it, and she says she basically just guzzled Pepto Bismol and never v* once! (I didn't even know she was sick because she didn't tell me, knowing it would make me scared, bless her.)

Try to relax as best you can! Best wishes and warm thoughts