Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between mamacat and chris_alice

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I thought I responded, but it's gone now....
    Anyway, yes I joined the new forum (mamacat1) but I have a hard time reading posts and navigating there because I am usually on my phone. I can't usually get on my computer till after my kids are asleep.

    What are your goala, emet-wise? I want to get back to where I was about 3 years ago. I want to eat in restaurants without freaking out or doing a 36 hour countdown. I want to go on playdates and outings wih my kids without obsessing about sickness.
  2. Hey mamacat, I'm not as far along as you may think. But I am sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time!
    Yes of course we can help and encourage each other. Thank you. Did you join the new support group I started? I think you did?
  3. Hey chris_alice I am very interested in recovery too. I don't think I'm as far along the road as you are, but what you said about having someone to encourage you rather than feeding into your emet-that really struck a chord with me.
    I am so tired of being crippled by this fear too. Maybe we can help/encourage each other?
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