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Conversation Between fedup_emet and majorb101

1 Visitor Messages

  1. hey i´m new with this. it´s super late (4:45am) and i´m up because i felt super nauseous due to a dry throat problem i´ve been having the last few days. for the first time i looked up my issue with throwing up and i just found out i have been emetophobic since i was 9 years old. i have had some crazy stuff happened to me due to this and i can´t believe this is the first time i actually do some research on it. i just wanna know what kinda stuff do you usually do (or act like) when u feel like ur gonna throw up. i just wanna know how to get rid of this. i´m sick of it and since i´m gonna be performing shows soon and specially solo this time, i would hate for this to happen to me when i´m on stage. please let me know. thank you!
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