Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between CourtneyCoo and kaiilyn_23

3 Visitor Messages

  1. I haven't thrown up since I was four too! My psychologist isn't really helpful in terms of emetophobia, neither is my doctor. They obviously don't really understand. My psychologist is convinced my anxiety is because of what a jackass my dad is... not related, at ALL. It's so frustrating. It's useless to see my psychologist because we're talking about thing that aren't even what I stress/freak out about. Two of my friends are emetophobic, but not as severely as I am. Enough to be classified as emetophobic but not enough to need treatment or anything if that makes sense... one of my friends has come down with something and the three of us were basically hiding out and dealing with panic attacks lol.
  2. Hi Courtney;

    Yup! I'm a little better now though- not completely but I went out the other night and spent some time being who I used to be and that made me a little better. Still battling this awful fear though, especially today. I've been emet since as long as I can remember but the major panic attacks really kicked in this past summer, I'm on Zoloft now and everything

    Nice to meet you
  3. Hey !
    My names Courtney and I see that you are battling this horrible fear too
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