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Conversation Between stephanie888 and icicledreamz

2 Visitor Messages

  1. thats awesome, im so glad, and proud of ya for goin for it. just keep at. It was about a month and half id say before i noticed a significant change, but its a very gradual process, not a HUGE change all at one. i feel even better as more time goes on, im about 10 months in and its been really good, i ely hope this works for you.
  2. Hi icicledreamz,

    I want to thank you for your advice on gradually increasing the cipralex dose. I haven't felt any nausea or anything unbearable. This is definitely not as bad as I imagined. So far it has helped a bit with anxiety. I need to give it a few weeks though. But definitely not feeling worse.

    Hope you are doing well.

    Thank you,

    Steph =)
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