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Conversation Between wendy77 and SabG5

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello Wendy77,
    Yes, believe it or not I was able to get through 3 pregnancies without v*! I had some really bad days with nausea tho. Since I was very young I have always carried a sports bottle with ice water in it, I also keep a washcloth in my purse at all times, when I start to feel nauseated I take the washcloth and wet it with the very cold water and wipe my face and neck and place it on the back of my neck. That has saved me so many times from nausea (especially during pregnancy) I just sit for a minute and take a couple deep breaths and use the wash cloth and it goes away quickly. Sipping the cold water helps too also chewing minty gum or mints! I hope that you can find some relief during your pregnancy because u have to remember that it is so worth it in the end! I love being a mom. Oh ,before I forget eat just really small light meals thru out the day and don't let yourself get really hungry cuz that will only make nausea worse! Good luck on your journey to mothethood!
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