Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.

Conversation Between chill02 and BeenThereSince9

4 Visitor Messages

  1. I'd love to tell you about the other forum, but someone from this forum keeps hacking it and removing it. It's very frustrating. I'll drop you an email sometime soon.
  2. BeenThereSince9, please don't leave the Forum! If you'd like to stay in touch, please email me at [email protected] - you are the type of person I was hoping I'd find on this forum! Let's stay in touch, and if you found another forum that supports emets, please let me know which one it is? GOD BLESS YOU!
  3. Edited for brevity
  4. Hello just wanted to thank you for your kindness on my post. You are one of the rare gifts I find on this forum. I'm not sure why people can't make a point & still be kind & supportive with it. Some people on this forum are brutal. But I DO appreciate you!!! I misunderstood your comment but I corrected it hugs!!!!
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