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Conversation Between mary922 and mamacat

3 Visitor Messages

  1. You will get there Just start with tiny steps, truly-doing one tiny thing outside your comfort zone, and then refusing to let yourself obsess about it. For me, I started with sitting in the dining hall and drinking a bottle of juice or soda from the machine. And I really do recommend talking with your therapist about anti-anxiety drugs. I have been on Paxil twice in the past, for about 3-4 months each time. It helped me immensely, and you can take them short term until you get your phobia to a more manageable level.
  2. I did, eventually, get to where I could eat while at school. It helped so much to have a microwave and fridge in my room starting in my sophomore year, and I kept it stocked with yogurt, cheese, frozen burritos, and frozen dinners. I also ate a lot of easy-mac (it had just come out way back then!) and ramen, so not the healthiest diet but at least it was something I was never much on the dining hall, but by about halfway through my sophomore year I used to meet two friends for lunch in the biggest dining hall every day. I ate the same thing every time for the next 2.5 years-rice and beans (served hot, by the same lady every day!), cranberry juice, and sun chips. It helped to be eating with them rather than alone.
    Just challenge yourself a tiny bit every day. That's my best advice I'm still trying to follow that bit myself!
  3. Hey Mary, I just wanted to send you a message to encourage you today. Your struggle really strikes a chord with me because I know how hard it is to be in college and struggle with emet. I hope you will be able to eat something today. Maybe try to treat yourself to your favorite (non-bagel) food? Or sometimes eating a meal with a friend helps me relax if I am super anxious. You are very, very unlikely to get noro or fp from a restaurant if you are eatig hot food (soup, pasta, quesadilla, etc). In fact, I think its safe to say that it is impossible!

    Hope you have a less anxious Saturday!
    Jessie (mamacat)
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