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Conversation Between hannahelizabeth and verityvee

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah how you getting to London? Can you drive? Or you getting the train?
    Oh right okay, I thought you meant recently! Yeah I don't go see my doctor anymore though I just try get on with things. I've had a headache for the past week and it's really starting to worry me. Ever get headaches that last that long?
  2. Yeah I was starting to worry a little! I've sent you at least a couple of messages! I live in Colwall which is roughly 3 and a bit hours from London :/ Quite far. My boyfriend has offered to drive me but I don't know if I could get the time off work or anything so yeah. Yeah I can't stop thinking about all the bugs around at the moment. You say you've had it once already? When? Recently?

    And i'm glad to hear the CBT is helping. Wish I was offered some treatment like that. No I'm just trying to carry on and cope. Hard at times though. xxxxx
  3. Oh rightt! I just kept texting you and you weren't replying, was starting to worry a bit!
    Yeah i'm good thanks, had a headache for the past week though, so bit worried about that :S You going to the emetophobia seminar? I really want to go but not sure If I could go to London.. :/ quite far away and haven't been that far from home in years! I read your post on your boss having the stomach virus? Were you okay? did you get it? I hope everything's fine with you
    You still having the CBT? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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