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Conversation Between amie.essex and amiehall

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Mine is both to and like u say its the bugs that really get 2 me.

    Im the same if i think iv gt the bug by just havin a icky stomach i wont eat but iv been told it only makes it worse!!

    Yer i avoid people who have or have had the bug i used to go baby club with my litten until all this norovirus was about..

    Marlie was sick back in november after bein allergic to pineapple and i just eft her luckly my other half was ther other wise i dont know wat i would of dun!!

    How do u cope with ur little ones??

  2. Erm........ finding it ok just hope it works as ive heard on some people it hasnt worked plus i can only have 12 sessions which is putting a bit of a downer on it!

    Have u gt a phobia of u v* other people or both???

    I wanted to be hypnotised but my CBT told me today it hasnt worked for alot of people..

  3. Same as me had it since i was about 4 but has got worse since ive had my daughter who's 1...

    Yeah started CBT had my 4th session today!

    Have u had therapy??

  4. hello amie i live in kent which is not to far from you....
    How long have you suffered from emet?
    Wb please x
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4