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Conversation Between Melekeh88 and Jess44246

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Just clean to the best of your ability. Instead of thinking "what spots did I miss?" think "being this through is so helpful for us!"
  2. Hi Jess. First off I really want to thank you for being there for me last night after I messaged u even though Ive been MIA for a while! I really really appreciate your support. I replied to the thread i created. I ended up falling asleep while talking to you! Im still so nervous and anxious unfortunately and it really just sucks! I still dont want anyone to catch it. We will be at the 48hr mark tonight even tho I do realise I still need to keep cleaning like crazy, what if I miss a spot?! So much pressure.
  3. Hey Mel. I'm glad I caught you a couple hours ago. I replied to your forum after you left the chat. Let me know how you are now!
  4. Of course Mel! I'd be happy to help you! Are you having a similar problem like when your daughter was ill, or is this something different? Either way, I am certainly here to help you. Send me a private message every time you log on to tell me that you're on and then stay on for at least 10 min. When my gmail goes off I'll check to see if it's you saying you're online, then I'll come on and we can chat. I'm about to sleep for 5 hours, but then I will be awake for the rest of the day. I hope that this hard time passes for you soon! -Jess
  5. Hey jess. If you are around I could really use your help. I have absolutely no one to talk to who understands me and if youve seen my last post, I am severely struggling. Hope to talk soon.
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