Does anyone else find it disturbing that women are expected to take on more and more duties at home/workforce- pretty much forsaking sleep to take care of everything, still including the little ones. While men onthe other hand have not really had to take on many more new tasks or jobs with the exceptionof some domestic duties (which it's okay if they fail at because the common mentality of 'thier just men, they are not wired for it' gets them off the hook)? Trust me, I am not a feminazi man hater by any means, and I was fortunate to have found a guy who does not subscribe to any kind of neandrethal like mentalities- this is just something I am seeing more and more in society in general.

Women are having to work longer and harder, still being paid less for the same job. Women are also still treated as minorities all across the board in every country in the world.

I am glad that women have been given more opportunities and choices concerning what they wish to contribute to society and do with their time, but because of economic reasons it's almost unrealistic for any woman to be able to solely stay at home and care for their children these days. And if the family makes the decision to do so- sacraficing money for the child's stability- society almost insinuates that she is less of a contributor to society because she 'just stays at home with the kids'. To me this is the most important job a woman could ever do. I don't feel that every woman has to chose to stay at home and raise a family. Like I said, thank god for choices. But what burns my ass is when women decide to work out of the home it seems almost as if we have to work so much harder just to prove that we are capable. It seems that in the work place we either have to work so much harder to prove ourselves or, we are just expected to be incompetent because we don't have dicks.

I don't know what is bothering me so much about this. The subject doesn't really even directly touch my life that much. I think it's all the statistics from these freaking sociology classes that are burning my ass. That along with the fact that I have found myself in this sick schedule of school, work, cleaning the house- none of which includes myself or my family and I feel that I have kind of lost my priorities (family/self). But, I feel that if I take a break from school, or only work one job in order to spend more time with my family, or take time off to add to it (have a baby) that I am being judged as being lazy or something.

I wish I could go back to the days that I didn't think so much about this s*** in a way. Everything I see all day at work now makes me think of the inequalities between the genders and I see everything as being offensive or unfair. For instance, our store manager freaking whistles to get the girls' attention. Ya know, kinda like how one would whistle for a dog to come. He could just use our names, but he freaking whistles and then gives demands like 'phone's for you' or 'get the back door'. But he never freaking whistles at the men employees, he uses their names. What the f*** is up with that?

I think I'm just sleepy! Lol! But if anyone else has had similar thoughts I would be very interested in hearing them.