Well yet again I am posting about a s* child. I am sure it is not stomach related, but my daugter has still v*d today and I am worrying.

My daughter complained of a sore throat this morning and just was not herself so I told her she could stay home from school, but my husband decided she had to go. As usual I was not pushy enough and my poor daughter ended up going to school. I feel really guilty now. I waited all day for the school to call me to collect her but it did not happen so I really hoped that she would be alright when I collected her this afternoon. My husband had taken my son for a haircut so it was just me collecting my daughter. Sure enough she came out of school really unwell with a very high temperature and really sore throat. She told me she felt s* and all the way walking home she kept making horrible choking noises. I was so scared. Luckily we made it home before she v*d. She only did it once and I am sure it was due to the high temperature. I was really determind to be strong and forced myself to spend time with her this evening even though I was so scared she would v* again. I felt quite pleased that I had managed to stay quite calm. My husband was not impressed and says I have completely over reacted as usual and that I need to get some help. He is probably right, but I actually thought I had coped better than usual. I had read to my daughter, took her guinea pig to her room for her and jsut sat with her.

Tonight my husband is complaining of a sore throat so now I am worrying that he is getting it. I really hope not. I find it so hard to cope when he is ill as he is usually the strong sensible one. I am scared to go to bed in case he is unwell in the night. I can't even cope with ilnesses which are not stomach related, all illnesses scare me.