Curly, you are the strong, sensible one. You coped brilliantly when your daughter was ill, and you rightly should be proud of yourself. And you were right in wanting to keep your daughter from school- I'm sorry to say this, but you are far more intuitive than your husband when it comes to your children - not just because you're a mum, but because you spend your time with them 365 days a year. Next time, be brave, put your foot down!

I wish your husband would give you the credit you deserve for everything you do and cope with.

Anyway, sounds like a throat issue for sure...I hope she feels better soon. And if your husband does get it...send him out for the day and see how he feels when he gets back! (sorry, that was bitchy!). If he is ill though, he won't be as bad as your daughter, he's stronger, so will cope.