I'm sorry you've had no success with meds. It took me a good few years to find ones that helped me. The first anti-depressants I took gave me horrible side-effects and didn't really help much with anxiety. I've had much success with seroxat but they give me terrible insomnia, although I've never been a good sleeper. I'm about to change over to citalopram next week to see if they help with the insomnia. I've tried all manner of therapies from more conventional ones like cognitive to more alternaive ones like hypnotherapy.

Have you considered or had therapy?

If it helps I've never known anybody actually be sick from taking anti-depressants. When you first take them you can feel a bit sickly as your body gets used to them, but it soon passes and it's never bad enough to make you actually sick especially an emetophobe. When you took the antidepressants did the nausea continue after your body had got used to them? Which ones were you on? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions!