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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Worst experience ever.

    Hello fellow emetophobics!

    This is my first post, and I'm a new member. So, I have extreme emetophobia, I find that sometimes I'm more afraid of people v* then me actually v*, because most of the time I'm confident that I won't v* because I haven't v* in 11 years (I'm 17 now).

    So the worst thing that could ever happen to an emetophobic happened to me on monday. I was sitting in my class when the guy next to me v* out of nowhere and got it on me. It's all a big blur now, but I heard my reaction was hilarious, I shot out of my seat and screamed, then just stood their frozen, until my teacher told me to go to the bathroom, then I dashed out as fast as I could.

    Once in the bathroom I cried and hyperventilated, luckily a very sweet girl from my class came in and cleaned the v* off my dress. It was a horrible event, I still can't get the image out of my head. I was so mad, I said some pretty mean things about the boy, of course I felt horrible about it since he couldn't help it. But there was an aisle right next to him, I don't know why he couldn't aim for it haha.

    Does anyone know a way to treat emetophobia? I find it gets worse as I get older, and I wan't to be able to get pregnant and have children without being terrified. Don't suggest looking at photos and videos of v* because I don't find that helpful at all more torturous.

    Thank you for letting me share my story!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    north carolina, usa

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    that sounds like my first experience with emet.....or actually what i think is the beginning of my emet.....such a traumatic experience.

    i haven't had any treatment yet for mine......went to a few therapists years ago.....but they didn't know what it was so were pretty useless.

    you should be able to get some ideas for treatment from reading posts in here........

    keep posting and reading
    how i feel about emet
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Englanddd :)

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    Ughhh... that sounds awful! That happened to me once when i was about five, yes horrifying. So anyway tbh I think the best treatment in my opinion, for emetophobia requires gradual exposure therapy and its not too bad as long as you are really determined to kick this phobia. Then any troubles you have along the way e.g anxiety attacks the people are great on this website to help you through. good luck
    "I aspire to be greater than my nature will allow"
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    Wow, I am so sorry that happened to you. That is seriously my worst nightmare! I have had emet for 17 years or so and I have managed to avoid that situation. At your age you would think most people could control where they vomit, but I guess it just can't be avoided sometimes. Think of it like this though, as traumatizing as it was, you are still alive right? And your still sane and it isn't going to kill you, so I'd say you came out on top! But I know it's not that easy, even though I'm sure we all wish it was. Do your parents know about your emet? If not, I think you should talk to them about it, and maybe discuss going to see a therapist about it. I wish I would have rather than just keeping it inside.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hove, UK

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    YUCK, what a horrible experience that must have been for you! Just think though, of all the things that could happen, the chances are pretty slim it would be that and you got through it!! I'd put money on it never happening again to you

    Anyway, I really came here to say that I used to think like you about pregnancy and having a baby and was adamant it would never happen. Over the years (had this phobia since I was a kid, I'm 33 now), my phobia's got worse BUT I now have a gorgeous little 4 month old baby!! Yeah, it's scary, really scary at times, but the joy far outweighs that. Some things just end up over-riding the phobia and having my daughter is kind-of an 'in your face!' to the emet

  6. #6

    Talking Kids help!

    Okay, so I wanted to comment on what you said about eventually wanting kids. I had such bad Emetophobia growing up it basically ruined all my relationships. Like you, I was determined to have children and not let my Emet come between me and a fully life! I have a five year old and a 20 month old. My daughter started Pre K this year and has had a virus where she threw up about 4 times this year already! I remember the first time I picked her up from school my hands were sweating and called my mother in law to vent. After talking it out I arrived at the school and took her home. God must of wanted to test me because she was fine once we were home. Turns out she was sick because she said the milk tasted funny at school. Since then, and as recently as a month ago, she actually had the stomach virus. I went on a bleaching spree! It was so funny. She is good about getting to the bathroom and getting it in the toliet so I was able to sit on the top step right outside the bathroom as support. I do close my ears because it is the sound more then the sight that makes me feel bad. We tell eachother we love eachother during all this too.... it helps in supporting when I can not be so close to hold her hair.
    The funniest time I can remember one of my kids being sick is when i was at the Psychologist talking about my fear. I had taken my then one year old with me to the session while my oldest was in school. I started talking about my fear, and two seconds later my daughters starts getting sick over and over..... The Psyc looked at me and said "You are handling this very well." This is when I noticed "oh... I am!" When it is your own kids you find your own special way to help them, and maintain your cool so to not freak them out about it for their futures sake.
    My oldest seems to have a very easy gag reflex and has thrown up numerous times from coughing too much, or crying too much. I told my mom it is my curse for all I put her through growing up! I laugh about it, and this helps me get through it. It's important not to take yourself too seriously. It helps in our pursuit of happiness to laugh at ourselves every once in a while.
    As for having kids, you have to get to a point where you are able to control any outward symptoms you have when you are in panic. This is important because when they are sick you do not want to freak out and have them build a negative stigma about getting sick.

    Hope this helps!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Salem, Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    I was extremely emetaphobic before having kids. In college I was in the dormitory bathroom when I heard a girl v* just outside the door. We ran past each other when she came in: Her to the toilet, me to the showers (I couldn't leave, you see, because the v* was outside the door). I stood in an empty shower for 1/2 hour, water soaking into my socks, my ears plugged, until I was sure it was all cleaned up. I was miserable for days afterwards and freaked out that maybe I stepped in her drips as we passed each other. I couldn't touch my socks afterwards but had to use paper towels to handle them to take them off and then to put them in the washing machine. Fast forward to motherhood. My first son had digestive issues. It started out with spitting up my breast milk, and I didn't realize that it was excessive since he was my first. It didn't bother me because he was this darling little jewel who was just spitting up what came out of me in the first place. He graduated to projectile v* his whole bottle of milk after finishing it. I knew I'd come a long way when he was a little over a year old and began to gag while in bed with me. I didn't want to have to change the sheets, so I actually held him over my torso to catch the v* since I didn't have time to get him out of my bed. I ended up having to not only wash my pajamas, but also take a shower and wash the sheets after all! Don't get me wrong, my kids are 8 and 17 now, and if they're going to v*, I'm running the opposite direction, but I love them, I've survived their bouts of illness, and now they're both old enough to take care of it on their own. Neither of them holds it against me that whenever they've been bent over the toilet, I've not been with them. I've been in the hallway, my ears plugged, yelling, "Remember to flush!"

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    Hey there..I see your from VA..so am I. What part if you dont mind me asking? I am also looking for a cure for this phobia. I am sorry you had to experience that..i would've just died :-/

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    I feel so bad for you. I'm 18 and still at college and this is my fear every day. Frequently i've had to sit in school next to people that have gone out and gotten drunk and still feel it the next day. I know that it's so difficult to cope with school issues.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    That's my worst nightmare. The closest that's ever happened to me is a guy calmly leaving a lecture with his hand over his mouth, and returning like 10 mins later. He was on the other side of the lecture hall, in a room of about 150, and I still had to leave early because I couldn't stand being in the same room as him

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    That sounds horrific. I'd die if somebody got sick on me. Sorry you had to go through that. You can tell the doctor about your emet, and he could get you some therapy, or prescribe you some anti-anxiety meds. Hope you're feeling better xx

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Default Re: Worst experience ever.

    Hi Sarah,
    Sorry to hear that you had such a terrible experience. I can't imagine!
    I'd suggest reading all the articles in the "Info and Research" section - it will help you to understand how treatment works for emetophobes. It's nothing to be scared of if your therapist is kind and compassionate and goes slowly at your speed.
    Good luck!
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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    DISCLAIMER ~ Any advice I give on this forum is well-intentioned and given as to a peer or friend or for educational purposes. It does not in any way constitute psychotherapeutic or medical advice. Please discuss anything you may learn from my posts with your doctor and psychotherapist prior to making any decisions or changes or taking any actions.

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