L89- If your doctors believe that getting this surgery is going to help you, then it is an option you should definitely consider. I was only saying that getting the surgery to stop from vomiting would be a bad idea.

By the way, I would only consider surgery for ANY disorder as my last option, unless it's something only surgery can help, like appendicitis or something. Surgery comes with it's own set of complications and you have to consider the pros versus the cons.

I had never heard of this surgery before and when I posted I didn't even know what it was for. Maybe I should not have posted because of my lack of knowledge on the subject. But, I was just afraid for you because it sounded like a dramatic type surgery. Like a stomach stapling that some do to lose weight.

You are capable of making your own decision. No one here is saying otherwise. People are just giving their opinions, hoping for your best health options.