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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    My son who is almost 10 months old spit up pretty hefty during lunch. The most I have seen him do. I think that he had a little piece of PB sandwich stuck in his throat but I still dont want to go near him. I cleaned it all up! Yay to me. This is the first time he had a sandwich but it was only a small piece and he usually spits up if he gets like a piece of cracker stuck. I really should not be nervous cause that is probably all it was but, hey Im an emet and we do these things. my husband said he was proud of me for cleaning it up. He said good job you are one step closer. To what? Getting over this phobia? Ha, fat chance, if I could only dream! Anyway so hubby wants to give him another bottle because he said he must be hungry, I dont know, I mean he wasnt fussing or anything, if he wasnt feeling well Im sure he would not have eaten his lunch or bottle, right? Well hopefully its just the caught-in -the -throat spitup.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I understand My son is almost 10 months as well, and we gave him a teething cookie, and he got a piece stuck in his throat and we had the same problem,I am sure it was just that got some of it stuck.. Is your son walking yet? My tires, and falls.. way to cute, and he loves cherrios We can keep each other sane... this is a lng hall we are in for take care Christy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Blah--I remember those days and I am headed for them again!!! Good job cleaning it up!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Yeah, sounds like he may have choked on peanut butter[img]smileys/smilies_06.gif[/img]They say that your not supposed to give babies peanut butter before age 2 because it is a choking hazard, and also they can develop an allergy to it if given to early.

    I know...things you don't want to hear...but I just want to help you, so your son doesn't choke. [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    My youngest child is 14 months, and he spit up once that seemed like alot, but I guess it was just a big air bubble!..LOL!

    Also, there is a way of telling the difference between "spitup" and "vomiting". With vomiting, it would have been forceful and quite a bit more noise than spit up. Did your son make any noise when it happened??...like a loud vomiting kind of noise, or was it one of those ones where you would have never known it even happened had you not been "right there"?? If that was the case, it was spit up. Don't worry too much. What looks like alot to us mommies, really only makes up about an ounce or two! [img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img] Charlotte

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    I'm in the same boat. Have an 8 month old and a 3 year old. 8 month old has been a constant spitter since birth - literally all the time. Even though I'm a major emet when it comes to others getting sick, the spit up doesn't bother me so much. I think it's because there are no sounds, no faces, no struggle, no warning, no smell, etc. It just comes up in 1 second and then he moves on. I've gotten used to it and while I still flinch if he spits up on me, I'm ok with it. My 3 year old, however, is a different story. When she throws up, it's the real deal. I'm better with dealing with the aftereffects, gross as they may be. My real trouble is while it is actually happening, particularly the sound effects and watching her face. She slept over my parents house last night and when I called this morning to check in, my mom told me she threw up this morning. She has a bad cold so my mom thinks it was due to post-nasal drip, but of course I am terrified she has a stomach virus and will throw up again. I just got the Anxiety and Phobia Workbook and will try to find time to go through it. It is reassuring to speak with other moms on this site because I have my own emet under control but can't deal with sick kids!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Yep, thats all it was, just spit up, no noises or anything. He was fine all day yesterday. So I will not be giving him PB for a long time!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Hey congratulations on being able to clean it up! That's great and it sounds like your husband is very supportive (and proud) of you. I dont' have any kids so I dont' have any advice but I wanted to congratulate you! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]
    \"As soon as you trust yourself,you will know how to live.\"
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    \"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.\"
    Benjamin Franklin

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    That's great that it was just spitup!!! Isn't it a relief to know that?? Us emet mommies sometimes have a hard time with that! [img]smileys/smilies_02.gif[/img]




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