I know we have some amazing admins on here, and I appreciate all the hard work you guys do I also know that many of you are very busy with your own lives, which is totally fine and awesome. However, there has been lots of drama and anger here recently that doesn't get taken care of. Two things popped into my head as possible solutions.

The first sounds simple, but I know it probably isn't. More admins. Even just one or two who may be able to be online at different times than the current ones. There is just so much drama that runs rampant.

The second may sound simple, but could be complex. A welcome forum. This could be a section (similar to the Private and General sections) that has a few stickies that newcomers should read, and perhaps veterans review. The following stickies are things I would recommend:

Rules: A kind welcome to the board, and an overview of basic rules. The rules could include things like no personal attacks, and no graphic images, etc.

Admin list: This way people know who to contact if they are having problems, or feel that a thread with drama should be looked in to. It could also state a little bit about the admin if they so choose.

Abbreviation List: This would help out those on our boards who don't know SV, D, etc. Though not required on our boards, they are very commonly used.

Introducing Yourself: A quick example of how to introduce yourself on the forums, also explaining that linking to your facebook and other personal info should be done in PMs. This lends the rest of the forum (non stickies) to a little intro thread, where anyone can tell us about themselves, and even perhaps keep their own progress threads!

I may elaborate more on this as things pop into my mind. But yeah, just wanted to offer my ideas