1.) I just got accepted to a University for my freshman year of college, under political science, but want to change my major to nursing-if I ever overcome this fear.

2.) I have been dating my boyfriend for 3 years, and he is the only person who I've ever completly trusted.

3.) I always have this feeling that the world is going to end somehow, it's weird.

4.) My favorite TV shows are: How I Met Your mother, LOST, Greek, Desperate Housewives, and especially Grey's Anatomy.

5.) I want to be in a sorority so bad when i go to college, I've never had a close group of friends.

6.) I haven't lived in one place for longer than 3 years.

7.) I crave adventure in my life, like I can't sit down and just relax for longer than 15 minutes.

8.) I am obsessed with beauty, shopping, all that stuff. Make-up especially.

9.) I've never actually been 'drunk' because of this fear.

10.) I have never been so scared in my life as I am right now, I am leaving home, living at school, with nobody I know coming this August !