im just having a bad night tonight. i KNOW i am going to v* and if i had to guess, it will be somewhere between 3 and 5 am tomorrow morning. though i guess i have a really good reason for feeling like this. 2 weeks ago i freaked out because biaxin had made me v*. i was on biaxin for a lung/throat/sinus infection and between a stomach full of pus and harsh drugs, well it was a losing battle. went to the drs next day and was put onto another (actually stonger) drug but i got though the course of antibiotics. it was a 7 day course and i took the last pill on wednesday. given that it can take antibiotics 4 days to fully leave your system and i am on my 5th day off meds, this is not a good sign. especially since this morning i got the throat infection back, quickly and violently (was fine when i went to work, had to leave at 2pm because i could not function). i have a drs appointment for tomorrow morning but i can feel my stomach doing the exact same thing it did 13 nights ago and well, i know what that means. ive had some gravol and know i need to go to sleep with this infection, but as the gravol will wear off at 3 am, well, im not so happy about this idea. esp since it was 4:30 am last time that i got sick, while on gravol.

other than that, my anxiety is really high because well, my health isnt being so cool. to have this infection come right back as soon as the anti-biotics left my system is not a good sign and no one i've been talking to can think of a stronger anti-biotic than what failed me last time. ok well, my gf can but it gets administered in hopsital which im not in for. so im really afraid to go to the dr tomorrow to find out what they are going to do about the infection this time. maybe i dont know enough about medicine but all i can think of are not things i want to go through. surgery, stronger drugs (the last ones were too strong for me and left me sick the entire time i was on them), i dont even know anymore but i also know enough to know that i HAVE to get rid of this and i have to do it in a way thats safe for me. v* is not safe, hospitals are not safe, meds are not safe so i dont know...