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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Cleveland, OH

    Talking 7 Weeks Pregnant...

    So... I'm now 7 weeks pregnant. I was spotting during week 5 so my blood levels were checked on Monday and Wednesday of week 5 and the nurse called and said my HCG was not doubling so she was concerned and wanted me to have an ultrasound. I had an ultrasound at 6 weeks 1 day and we saw the baby and saw the heartbeat and it measured exactly as it should at 6 weeks 1 day. The nurse seemed shocked because she really thought it would measure small due to my HCG levels not rising and she thought i'd miscarry. I'm now 7 weeks 1 day and don't have another appointment until i'm 10 weeks. So i guess here is my rant for the day.

    1) I'm a nervous wreck that when I go in for my appointment that the baby will no longer have a heartbeat and I'll have had a missed miscarriage. I've read very negative things about people with slow rising HCG's and how only 15% of babies make it out of the first trimester. I'm freaking out about this and on edge daily.

    2) I'm 7 weeks pregnant and so far I've had very very little nausea. For this I am thankful. Sometimes I have a lack of appetite for a day here and there and my sinus drainage makes me feel like i might puke but i never have. I'm a nervous wreck that by the end of this 7th going in to week 8 or 9 it's going to hit me head on and i'm going to start throwing up I work full time and go to church and sing in two choirs there. It's very important to me that I can keep moving and still be involved with life. I can't and don't have the option of being a person that stays at home on the couch or in bed all day. I'm a nervous wreck. I don't want to get morning sickness

    Anyone know if i'm out of the danger zone as far as morning sickness goes or when it hit you? Ugh... I'm just scared. Ignore me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Tonawanda, New York

    Default Re: 7 Weeks Pregnant...

    I found out I was pregnant at 6 1/2 weeks. The n* didn't start until about... hmm... a few weeks after. Starving yourself during this period will make you feel even more n* so it's important to have a little something in the belly like crackers or dry cereal. Ice and frozen juice took away n*. I didn't v* my entire pregnancy and even went through birth all naturally with no pain meds. My n* went away at about 12 or 13 weeks completely but tapered off noticeably before that. The n* can get bad but eating helps and it won't last your WHOLE pregnancy. You can and will get through it. I even went out and did things to make me forget the n*. Hang around family. Watch funny shows. Read. Write. Draw. Crochet. Something you like doing, focus on that. You can also try tums as I had acid reflux pretty bad or Pepto. Your doctors could also prescribe something like Zofran if need be.
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    ~No matter where life takes me, find me with a smile.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: 7 Weeks Pregnant...

    First off, congrats

    I am just about 14 weeks pregnant myself. My morning sickness started around week 9. I won't lie, I v* about 4 or 5 times so far. It wasn't fun, but I got through it somehow. You might not even get morning sickness, some people get it bad, some people get it mild ... it's hard to predict who will have it worse. I have Zofran I take during the day and Phenergan at night, it seems to help alot. I know anxiety can make the morning sickness worse, along with not eating. I take Zoloft daily, my OB says the risks for this med are very low & it's commonly prescribed for pregnant woman, and so far it's helping my anxiety stay at a low level.

    Just make sure to drink, drink, drink fluids. Dehydration can make nausea so much worse. Eat what you can, when you can. Don't count calories, don't worry about carbs or sweets, etc. Just eat what you feel like eating. If you force yourself to eat something you don't want it can make you nauseous, or worse.

    Talk to your OB too. I was upfront with my OB about my emet. That's when she gave me the nausea meds. You can also look into taking Prilosec or Zantac because sometimes acid reflux can add to nausea.

    All these meds are safe to take when pregnant.
    Do not take Pepto, it's not considered safe because of it's asprin content.

    If you don't want to talk to the OB about a script for nausea you can buy some OTC products. Benadryl can help with nausea and sleep and Unisom Sleep Tabs (not the gel tabs) are very commonly recommended for nausea, along with vitamin B6 (no more than 100mgs/day, 50mgs in the morning, 50mgs at night)

    If you've seen a heartbeat that's a good thing, they say if a heartbeat is detected than there is something like a less than 5% chance of a miscarriage.

    Good Luck - PM me if you want to chat

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: 7 Weeks Pregnant...

    Zofran was a life saver for me. I found out right away at 4 weeks Nausea was horrid. I did vomit and I was absolutely miserable, but honestly, if you can maintain a good attitude, you can get through just about anything. I also got pregnant WAY too fast....I was only a month into the relationship. I was a terrible mess, went to outpatient therapy daily at a mental hospital......it was a difficult time of my life for sure, but I did get through it. I vomited in labor as well, but honestly the vomiting felt wonderful, it helped me get through the intensity of the pushing. Pregnancy is hard, but it really did a lot for my emetophobia. I still don't enjoy puking....but lately, my attitude seems like it is changing. I just tell myself, yeah it sucks but I will get through it. If you work hard enough, you will come to regard vomiting as something that is just as uncomfortable as stubbing your toe or having a nasty cold. I know it doesn't seem like it now, but as you recover you will come to realize this.....your thinking is just skewed with emetophobia.....such a debilitating illness over something so insignificant. Congratulations on your pregnancy! It is worth it, you will become a better person...happier and healthier...you will stop focusing so much on your own personal anxieties and start worrying about that precious little baby that is only the size of a pea right now What helped me was benedryl (very powerful in helping you sleep and antinausea even though that's not what it's necessarily labeled for. Also, smells really bothered me so I was told to rub vicks vapor rub under your nose to mask smells. Jolly ranchers and other hard candies helped me too Sea bands did not work for me and really they just itched and bothered my wrists, but you can certainly try them. Benedryl is safe to take in pregnancy.

    Also nausea and morning sickness is a sign of a healthy pregnancy. Take good care of yourself hun. You are strong enough to get through this!

    I spotted a lot too during pregnancy. It doesn't necessarily mean anything....unless it soaks a pad.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Somewhere crazy

    Default Re: 7 Weeks Pregnant...

    Congratulations on your pregnancy! I will admit I avoided getting pregnant for a long time because of the morning sickness part. I found out I was pregnant kind of out of the blue just by chance, and I found out when I was about 8 weeks along. I had a few bouts of nausea but throughout my whole pregnancy I didn't V once (thank god!) but I did get nauseated throughout up until the last month of my pregnancy. Before I found out I was pregnant I did get nauseous a few times I thought it was due to an ear infection I had that was giving me vertigo, I had no clue I was having morning sickness because I had no clue I was pregnant. I didn't find out until a month and a half later that I was expecting so when I felt sick I just thought ok my ear is still messing up my equilibrium or something. Certain foods did trigger my morning sickness, but also having an empty stomach made me feel sick also. I always made sure I had some crackers or pretzels on hand to help, and when I was in the midst of feeling like I was going to V I sipped on gingerale which helped a lot too.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    New Jersey

    Default Re: 7 Weeks Pregnant...


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Cleveland, OH

    Default Re: 7 Weeks Pregnant...

    I was the original poster and I'm sad to update everyone and say we lost the baby on November 5th. I was 10 weeks pregnant and I started bleeding. At the ER I was told the babies heart stopped at 9 1/2 weeks so I was miscarrying. I did miscarry the next morning at home and 1/2 an hour later was at the hospital prepping for a D&C to get cleaned out so I could move on without bleeding for weeks. The D&C was amazing it took all my pain away and even though I was nauseated after from the anesthesia I didn't throw up. They had zofran in my IV too so that helped. If anyone needs a D&C ever do not be afraid it's a good thing and there is no pain and barely any recovery time at all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Default Re: 7 Weeks Pregnant...

    While I have never been pregnant myself, my mother had a hard time staying pregnant. She had 3 miscarriages between my sister and I, and one when my sister was 3. It was hard on her, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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