Haven't posted one of these in awhile. I've been doing pretty good but tonight I'm feeling very bad. My stomach is acting up and I'm feeling really sick at the moment as well. I haven't had such a bad episode in awhile. It came on suddenly while I was out for dinner, waiting for my food, and I had to dash to the bathroom and sat there for a good ten minutes before confident enough to leave. I'm okay if I'm not moving, but if I stand up or walk around, I feel extremely nauseous.

I'm also light-headed and feeling very fatigued. It came on so suddenly and I'm nervous, had a full on panic attack and it's again, been awhile since I've had a "full blown" panic attack, especially involving emet. All I've had to eat today is strawberries, a sandwich, water, and I had a handful of sour cream and onion chips when I came home from school. No chocolate, nothing rich.

Just trying to talk deep breaths and keep myself from having another anxiety attack. My mom, bless her, is making me some peppermint tea. hope I feel better soon, I really, really loathe feeling so bad and being so worried (sure you can all relate...)