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Thread: Prepared food

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    New York

    Question Prepared food

    I'm away at university and I'm really struggling with the food situation. I'm afraid of what might have come into contact with the dining hall food, so I always prepare my own food. I'm afraid of the norovirus and all other sorts of food-bourne illness. I gave up meat in the sixth grade because I was always too afraid of it being undercooked or contaminated. I'm afraid of going out to restaurants and it's really difficult because getting lunch or dinner is such a social event. I'm missing out on that because of this fear. Also, I feel like I'm eating less and less. I'm worried that it's turning into an obsession. Does anyone else have experience with this obsession with food or tips on how to deal with it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Prepared food

    I used to be very very weary of eating out too. But now I eat at all kinds of crazy places! I think you just have to start out with small steps - Anything that is served VERY hot and made to order should be almost no risk of being contaminated with norovirus because even if the person who prepared the food was sick and had dirty hands, the heat would kill the virus. Just start out with something like that...pizza maybe (though that is greasy and can upset your stomach). French fries (though not healthy) could be a very "safe" choice, too since deep-frying would kill the virus and they usually just dump them directly into the box or onto the plate. You can always look up restaurants online and make sure they have good reviews, too. If they were making people sick, they'd surely have some bad reviews!

    You're right, you really are missing out. Trying new foods and restaurants is one of my favourite things to do now! I even eat sushi! Since I've started to eat more adventurously, I've only been sick once, and I'm really not sure that I didn't do it to myself from using a less than sanitary dishcloth!
    Last edited by 4077girl; 02-27-2014 at 10:13 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Re: Prepared food

    I always eat out, at least once or twice a week. Honestly I never got ill from that, even at restaurants who were fined (and closed down) because of hygiene violations. That being said, I stick to ordering mostly cooked foods and I avoid raw veggies and salad. I will eat sushi and rare steak, though (and I do so often). Rule of thumb: when in doubt about hygiene, stick to deep fried food. This is advice I got from someone who travelled to India and managed not to get sick while there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Prepared food

    My friend who owns a cafe told me you are more likely to get sick from fresh or raw foods than some thing that has been previously frozen, like a hamburger patty. I don't eat out much but I stick to things that have been cooked, that way any germs will have been killed

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: Prepared food

    I know this might cause stress, but it is the truth.

    One day, you will close your eyes and they will never open again.

    Your brain will stop functioning, your heart and lungs will stop working, you will die.

    Now, think about that for a minute.

    OK, now think about v*.

    Compare those two things, understand them.

    Now think about good things, all the fun times you are having, think about all the fun people and university life that you are missing.

    Death will come eventually, so everything that happens from now until then is up to you.

    You will overcome this irrational fear, you will be a person who is no longer afraid.



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