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Thread: Pregnant...

  1. #1

    Default Pregnant...

    I just found out I’m pregnant...about 5 weeks by my estimation (I haven’t been to the doctor’s yet). Being a long time sufferer of emetephobia, I’m obviously starting to panic. Every day is going to be filled with dread of the inevitable m* s* most women experience with pregnancy. I was hoping to reach out to any mothers who have had children and experienced it. What should I expect? Is it at all avoidable? What are some things I can do to combat the n* and make the next several weeks more bearable? Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    Congratulations! Not everyone gets morning sickness so you may not even experience it. I’ve been pregnant three times and only felt sick during two of them but never v. Eating often is key, even if you don’t feel hungry. Getting too hungry makes the n worse. There are also medications you can take if you do feel sick. These didn’t exist when I was pregnant. My sons are adults now and zofran was not available back then. From what I understand, zofran is safe to take during pregnancy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    I haven't had kids, but my mom had a weird old pregnancy with me, and despite all that, she never got v* or even n*!!
    Good luck love!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    Thank you both for replying. It’s my first pregnancy and so I don’t really know what to expect. I think the unknown is scaring me the most at this point. It is reassuring to know that some people don’t get morning sickness at all but constant nausea has been a part of my life for so long that I really should be able to handle it. I’m definitely excited as my fiancé and I had been trying for 7 months and this is our first positive result!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    I think the thing to realise is that no matter how severe it gets, it is temporary ; I had n* for a good six months when i got stressed and dropped two stone and the constant n* was never ending and I was so upset as I felt I was doomed...
    But a lot of m* s* will last three months tops from what I've been told.. you'll be fine,in fact, you more or less answered your own question, you said you've been trying for seven months, I think maybe reminding yourself of this in potential rough times will help!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    I didn't v* when pregnant! I got nauseous but like what others said small, frequent meals kept it away! Eating healthy also helps but so does listening to cravings I think 😉. But it, for most people, really does go away by 12 weeks! You won't feel it much now, but I think it peaks around 7-9 weeks then starts fading. Staying hydrated also will help!

    Congratulations! Don't worry and take it as it comes, it's not that bad actually! And also, I think dramamine/bonine are safe when pregnant. Don't take my word for it though, consult a dr or look it up, maybe it's not in first trimester? But I took it when traveling about 5 months pregnant. I wouldn't rely on it, but I'd imagine on bad days it might be worth it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    Load up on sea bands, gin gins (ginger candy), ginger and/or peppermint tea, and peppermint candies and gum if you start getting m.s. They all calm nausea. . Congratulations.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    I'm pregnant as well and the good thing about pregnancy is usually the nausea is manageable. I am now in my fourth month and they say the first three months are the worst for nausea. Honestly mine was not bad at all, and if I felt a little iffy, I would have some peppermint tea and all would calm down. It really wasn't bad at all.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    Congratulations! What an exciting time!

    I now have a toddler and I remember having the same worries as you. Uncertainty was actually worse than the reality. From my experience and talking to friends, everyone has a different experience. Some women are lucky and don't feel anything at all. Some women are less fortunate. I was in the latter group. Don't be discouraged if some of the popular remedies don't work for you. I was worried when ginger and small meals did nothing for me. I thought that meant I would get no relief. I realized that my thing was sour stuff. Like, super super sour. So try a bunch of different stuff and see what works for you.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    One thing to remember in addition to the fact that not everyone gets morning sickness is that among those who do get it most do not vomit. The idea of the woman who is constantly vomiting is not a reality for most.

    I'm pregnant right now too, 28 weeks so my first trimester was back in the summer. I did get morning sickness but never actually vomited or even came close really. The first week or so was the worst because I was so worried that it would become more severe and I'd get sick but that didn't happen. As the weeks went on I became more comfortable with my nausea and it was truly just an inconvenience. Also it felt different than my anxiety nausea would which was helpful.

    What I used to help lessen symptoms were ginger capsules 3x/day, sea bands as needed and preggie pop drops. Mints helped in the beginning but I ended up developing an aversion to those.

    Also, never go too long without eating something. An empty stomach really makes morning sickness worse. I would eat immediately when I woke up and snack every 2 hours or so then made sure to eat right before bed.

    Congratulations on your exciting news and fingers crossed you'll be one of the lucky ones without morning sickness!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    Thank you everyone for replying! It feels so much better to hear from people who have gone through it. I’m almost ten weeks now and while I had several weeks of pure bliss and no n* whatsoever, it seems to have peaked for me right as I started the ninth week. These past two days have been pretty horrible. I’ve been laying awake at night, feeling as if it were about to happen at any moment and during the day I’ve felt really gaggy in my throat. I really hope it’s over soon because I’ve been driving myself crazy and I don’t know how much more I can take honestly. Sometimes I just sit awake and cry, in fear that something awful is about to happen. And it doesn’t help that we’ve been celebrating the holidays and eating a bunch of food that would be very unpleasant if it were to come back up...

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pregnant...

    I didn’t want to have children because of pregnancy and because kids get sick. I have two kids and had zero morning sickness. I always thought it was partially a mental thing. One of my friends was completely fine with no symptoms whatsoever (and barely measurably pregnant) and the minute she came up positive on a pregnancy she started constantly having *n and she would actually *v before it was even a symptom. I decided I was not going to get sick and I didn’t. The only thing was that I couldn’t be a passenger in the car because I would feel yucky, but I am positive that was in my head too.

    Don’t even think about it. Get some belly soothing candies just in case and don’t worry. You can do it. Congratulations!!!



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