I babysit for three little kids (ages 8, 6 and 3) usually every other Sunday and sometimes during the week. I was supposed to babysit today, so their mom calls meyesterday afternoonto confirm everything and she says, 'well colleen is just getting over a virus, she hasn't thrown up since yesterday, and i'll leave some children's pepto incase any of the kids feel sick'. Don't little kids usually ALWAYS get a sv* if their siblings had it? I know I always used to when my sister was sick and vice versa. Needless to say, I told her I had plans! I didn't feel bad about doing it because I have never once cancelled on her, and I don't think she should be leaving her kids with a babysitter when there is a sv* going around her house! I'm starting to feel kind of guilty about it, I should just get over it but I really didn't want to be exposed to another sv* this winter and I would not know what to do if one of them got sick! Is this wrong?![img]smileys/smilies_09.gif[/img]
