okay guys. ive recently been dealing with a lump in my throat/ tightness fullness in chest/ nausea in sternum.. classic esophagus type of deal...

today finally. i was driving home after eating dinner(mexican).. i had gotten the upset feeling in my chest so i drank some 7up, and a little while later.. that nasty acidy juice came up in my throat and i immediately started FREAKING OUT horrible.. i called my mom and started crying.

i started researching about gerd... and it seems that whenever i look for things, i always find trouble..

lots of people said that they v* a lot with their acid reflux. and that SCARES ME HORRIBLY!!!!! i dont want to v*!..

this doesnt happen often. this lumpy feeling comes and goes. and ive had theacid come up maybe twice in the past few months.. and i dont get heartburn pain or anything...

but i am SCARED. i am hoping its due to stress/anxiety or my diet.. or..SOMETHING. I AM HOPING ITS SOMETHING THAT WILL GO AWAY. I DONT WANT TO V*. ahhhhh! tell me i wont!

the lump in my throat is still here. the base of my throat. it feels like something is sitting there.

is there anything you guys do naturally to get rid of it?