well heres something i experienced...i have had similar symptoms in the past...when i was 16 doctors found a small cyst on my ovary, but nothing i should be concerned with unless it got larger...they told me to keep coming in to have it checked regularly to be sure it didnt get bigger, and me being young and dumb just thinking "oh ill be fine" and never going in...well one day i was working about 6yrs ago and all of a sudden i remember having horrible pains in my abdomen, more on my apendix side...and then i passed out, my co worker ran me to the hospital..they thought my appendix burst!! but i went to the er and they knew it wasnt that, they did all sorts of tests from paps, to enimas (yuck), appedix scan (just to be sure), pregnancy, etc and after all of that they found that the crumb size cyst was now about the size of a marble...it was so horrible!! it required immed surgery to get it out...it was so painful and yet if i would of just gone to the doc they could of probably caught it before it got to that point!!
obviously i have no idea what your problem is exactly but i do recommend a doc because you never know and you dont want it to be worse than it may be...just to clear your mind you should go!! let us know what happens!! if your scared then go with a friend!!