I had to brag a little bit

As a lot of you know my bf had food poisoning roughly 2 months ago and was s* in his sleep next to me. Since then I haven't been able to sleep well. I keep waking out and having panic attacks, or having to sleep with earplugs, etc. Some nights I couldn't even sleep in the same bed.

Well, 2 nights ago we had a HUGE storm, so we opened the window to listen to the thunder. I focused on that (without earplugs) and was able to fall asleep panic free! When I woke up in the night, it was to thunder, not because he rolled over or whatnot. I slept through the night without a panic attack or n*!

Last night we kept the window open. I was hungry so my tummy was growly, you know how that can mess with ya. However I didn't freak out once! I slept through the night again without any panic or n*!

I'm hoping this is the start of being able to sleep through the night again I wanted to share to let you all know that even if you are scared out of your mind, you can work through it [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img]