
First of all I have to say these symptoms I'm having COULD be from a prolonged period of binge eating and that's what I thought it was from but now I'm not sure anymore. Either way I don't know what to do. I don't even remember exactly when this started, Saturday or Sunday. At first my stomach was mainly hurting and felt irritable and I was afraid to eat normally cause I was thinking it would cause nausea or even v'ing. My stomach would also get bloated every time I ate something. Now I feel these contractions in my intestines and have been feeling ill. =( So do you guys think this could be a stomach bug and if so, what should I do? Should I not eat ANYTHING, should I drink some broth so I get some salts...? And if this isnt' a bug what else could it be? Can you get irritable bowel syndrome from too much binging? Obviously I have a binge-eating disorder and can't control it cause if I could I wouldn't do it for the fear of v'ing. I hope some of you can help meout by telling me what I should do. Thanks
