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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Now my sister just V'd, major panic attack!

    So sorry I know I only posted an hour or so ago and I must be annoying but now my sister is being sick like RIGHT NOW and i'm so scared!!!! Im so scared of catching it i'm locked in my room crying, (I don't plan on coming out anytime soon!) i can't cope if i get it i'd literally rather die. I feel suicidle just thinking about getting it! If i ever V'd i would in all seriousness want more than anything to kill myself just to not go through it ever again! Im really really scared. In the morning I think I'm gonna book in a hotel to be away from the bug but i'll be just as scared there incase it's already in me!!!

    I hate this!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom ( worcestershire )

    Default Re: Now my sister just V'd, major panic attack!

    It can't possibly be in you, you have to digest V* droplets. People on here have siblings sick and not caught anything from them. She might have food poisoning. Keep your hands away from your face unless you have just washed them as that's the only way it can get inside you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Re: Now my sister just V'd, major panic attack!

    i agree with cloughie, if you are locked in your room and not with her while shes V* then theres no way you could have it in you.

    if it does make you feel better staying somewhere else, maybe do that? obviously you dont want to scare your sister by letting her see you run away. but maybe discreetly leave while shes in her room/the bathroom and let your mum know you are staying else where for the night.

    have you got a friend or relative you can stay with?

    if thats not an option, just keep your hygiene up by washing your hands and not putting your fingers in your mouth. use bleach to clean the toilet before you use it and keep your toothbrush in your room?

    from the sounds of your other post, i think you are unlikely to catch it. you have gone since you were 7years old without V* so you obviously practice good hygiene if you have gone that long without getting ill. i have survived numerous bugs that have gone round my house just by keeping clean and preparing my own dinner, which helps alot in situations like this.

    i know it doesnt sound like it right now, but you will be okay and we're all here for you!
    Last edited by eils20; 10-10-2011 at 04:27 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Now my sister just V'd, major panic attack!

    I understand how upset and anxious you must feel but remember young kids can v* due to many different things not just a sv. For some just having a high temperature can make them v*. If it helps you feel less stressed just keep away from her til shes better and keep up the handwashing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Now my sister just V'd, major panic attack!

    Two weeks ago I was in the same situation- suicide came across my mind, I ran away... I dont everything to escape.
    My 2 year old sister caught the bug, I cried and cried and paniced. Two days later my brother was at my Dads, and i could hear my step dad v*, knowing for sure it was a bug, i began to run towards my Dads, towards anywhere infact. Then I found out my brother also had the bug at Dads. I felt that I was stuck, no where to go... I ended up going to my Dads as less people had it. Anyway, I never caught it (thankfully) maybe I still could, who knows, no one else in the familng did. Only 3 people, and shared between the two houses there was 9 of us- 1/3 caught it technically. I hope this gives you some reassurance?.

    If you need a chat give me a text or email! 07427649294, [email protected]

    im really good to talk to about this, plus could do with the help myself!
    Billie xx

  6. #6

    Default Re: Now my sister just V'd, major panic attack!

    Oh I can only imagine! First breath (well don't get yourself dizzy lol) . I know this is very difficult but you WILL overcome this! Do what you need to do but do not commit suicide. I know you can beat this! I have and am at that point sometimes too, but suicide is not something you want to do. You are too important in this world to do that. Hang in there.... stomach bugs do not last too long. I will check in with you soon!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Now my sister just V'd, major panic attack!

    How are you feeling today?



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