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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I live in Washington

    Default If you were to v* what would happen?

    One of the ways of getting of the fear of vomiting is to realize what can happen and what does happen. Our brains try to trick us and freak us out. My brain tells me if I throw up I will die. This is not true, but I feel that its true. There is a big difference between logic and what we perceive. So, what is the worst that could happen if you got sick? Would you panic? Would you freak out? Or would you handle it in a logical manner?
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I would panic and then when it happened I would feel like a normal person for a few weeks before the fear crept back in like a virus...I know because it has happened twice in the last 10 years...suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuux

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I don't usually link vomiting with dying. I more worry that I would be broken emotionally. I don't know why, but that's my worst case scenario I think - that it would throw me into a constant state of despair or insanity that I could never come back from. I also worry about how humiliating it would be and imagine that I would never be able to face people again, especially anyone who saw/heard but even people who were nowhere around.

    Of course it's more likely that I would handle it and life would go back to normal, but it's been such a long time since I last got sick that I really can't envision that outcome at all.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    west michigan

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    i don't think i will die if a V but i know leading up to it i would do my best to prevent it. my biggest fear is of others being ill like my kids and wife. i react as i want to get away and leave the home. it's pretty crazy when you think about it, i even laugh at myself. it's kinda like having a deep fear of spiders or when my daughter freaks out over thunderstorms or tornado sirens. the V phobia is soo bad IMO because we never know when it will strike so your constantly in fear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Worcester Massachusettes

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    It would literally snap whatever sanity I have left. My mind would sink into ultimate despair that I know I couldn't escape, and then I would ... $ú!çïdè.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    west michigan

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    Yet another banned member. Paisley again i take it? Why is this board being spammed soo hard latley?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I think of the yucky taste, the mess and the smell. Also I would probably feel like shit during and after.

  8. #8

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I don't think I would die, thats not my fear. My mind tells me: If it starts it will never stop; If I get sick to my stomach that means I'm REALLY sick, there's something SERIOUS wrong with me; and I won't be able to handle it emotionally and mentally and I'll probably "snap" at some point. I know all this is unrealistic but knowing that doesn't make my fear any less.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I`d feel totally freaked out, & afterwards really deppressed & disappointed with myself for leeting it happen. If I did it in public I would die of shame, because I can imagine what people would think, that I was disgusting, & had had too much to drink. They would probably tell all their freinds & family about it & point me out to them next time they saw me, saying, there`s that disgusting person that I saw v in the street, I wonder if she`s an alchoholic?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hove, UK

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    It's not the actual vomiting that scares me but the awful nausea and stomach churning before it happens. If there was no horrible lead up to it, no awful nausea that goes on and on, no feeling like your stomach is a washing machine, then I'd be fine with it (well not 'fine' but I'd accept it and just be like every other normal person out there).

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom ( worcestershire )

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I'm not scared that i would die from it because i won't i am very very frightened of it, even though i have done it 2 years ago. I even know it's not that bad i even know it's nothing to be scared of but my body panics.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I'm afraid of not being able to stop. I'm afraid Ill be really sick and be the type of sick that V* every ten minutes for a few hours and get really dehydrated and have to go to the hospital. I'm not afraid of being in public or people seeing it. Actually I feel the safest from it when its day time and I'm out and about because in my mind V* only happens in the middle of the night which is why I have such anxiety when I go to bed. I'm also afraid that because I am so afraid I will prevent the V* from coming up so bad that I will choke on it. Is anyone else afraid like this?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    South Carolina, United States

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I stop breathing.. literally. My "flapper" in my throat gets hung up and I can't stop v* I actually have to have someone other to watch me and pop my in the back so I can catch my breath and start breathing again..

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    Quote Originally Posted by samibaby11 View Post
    I'm afraid of not being able to stop. I'm afraid Ill be really sick and be the type of sick that V* every ten minutes for a few hours and get really dehydrated and have to go to the hospital. I'm not afraid of being in public or people seeing it. Actually I feel the safest from it when its day time and I'm out and about because in my mind V* only happens in the middle of the night which is why I have such anxiety when I go to bed. I'm also afraid that because I am so afraid I will prevent the V* from coming up so bad that I will choke on it. Is anyone else afraid like this?
    Yes this is exactly what I'm scared of. If I could know that I'd have to v* say 3 times, beforehand I could deal. Its not knowing when it'll stop and how many times is what scares me because of a coupe of bad experiences.

    In answer to what would happen? If I v*d once or twice it wouldnt make my phobia any worse, itd possibly make it a little better. If I was v*ing non stop or feeling like I couldnt breathe it'd set me back a LOT.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    Similarto what others have said..that because my anxiety is already so bad it would break me and I would never be able to work or leave my house or eat or smile again. It sounds crazy and it has happened before and I survived but that is what I imagine.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I think I would be very upset, disgusted, ashamed and grossed out. But ultimately, I think my body would "take over" and I would know deep down it's what I need to do to rid myself of any toxins/bug/etc. I'd probably take a gravol, zofran, ativan, post about it on IES and watch a movie afterwards or something. Lol
    Taking a sabbatical from IES, moving on, and making concrete changes to live my life without fear.
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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    I'd be a crying, panicky, uncontrollable wreck. If someone were present (which I'd hope in such a situation) I'd probably squeeze their hand until I broke their bones, in the way a woman in labour would, because that's the equivalent pain of it. After the event, I would no doubt be in shock, speechless and probably in a weird state of relief, because the one thing I remember from last v*ing, back in 1994, was the sheer relief afterwards. But then the fear would creep in again "will I be sick in half an hour? Will it come back?" The utter worst bit.

    I never thought a scenario would pop up where I would trade v*ing in for anything, considering it's THE worst fear I have. But, right now, I would happily v* if it meant my father could recover from his illness. He's dying from lung cancer and as I'm currently far from home, I've been blocking it out, but when I see him the weekend I will be in shock. And I would willingly trade a whole host of emet misery for him to have his pain disappear.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Hertfordshire (uk)

    Default Re: If you were to v* what would happen?

    i worry once it starts it wont stop.if i knew it would just be once id be able to just cope.knowwwing i could get to the bhroom to..id live normal for a few weeks then the fear would come back but bigger.



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