My Bro-inlaw is coming to visit us today. He will be here in an hour. He lives 12 hrs away in PA. My nephew, not his kid, was sick all last week and was taken back to the ER yesterday for fluids. My Bro-inlaw visited their house when the child was still very ill. He said that he saw him and he looked awful. So that means he got close to him. My bro in law hasnt had any symptoms that i know of but he was in their house. I think he was there on Monday or Tuesday. I dont think he went back after that but i could be wrong, they all live so close. Anyway, i know it sounds crazy but could he be bringing the virus to my house? I have little kids too and dont want them to catch anything. Kids seem more susceptible and so even though the bro in law hasnt shown symptoms could be be carrying it and pass it on to my kids?
Oh and the illness cause him to V every 15 to 20 minutes for the first 24 hrs of it. No D. Could it be something other than a virus? He has a brother 6 yrs older than him and he hasnt caught it yet and they only have 1 bathroom. SO the whole family was using it. The parents arent sick yet either. this is day 6 so i figured if they were going to get it they would have come down with it by now right?