Hey guys!

About one week ago, I started a new medication. It's called Axit, but in the USA, UK/other part of Europe I'm sure it's under a different name. It's name - Mirtazapine.
Mirtazapine is an antidepressant, but it was prescribed to me by my new doctor, for anxiety AND emetophobia..
It is... something truly amazing.
Not only is it an anti-depressant, anti-anxiety drug... it's also, wait for it... anti-emetic! It helps you to go to sleep and stay asleep, it gives you an appetite, it helps you feel safer, and in general your mood improves.
n* and v* are NOT listed side effects of this drug, at all. It's a miracle, I didn't think I would ever find something that didn't have n* and v* as a side effect, especially for an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medication.
Google mirtazapine, have a look for yourself.
Some people have excess sleepiness throughout the day, but I only had that the first couple of nights. I just couldnt get enough sleep! However, insomnia is ALSO a side effect, and I've had that as well.. Just last week I was awake 36+ hours straight, could not fall asleep... and since I felt fine, I thought there was something wrong with me that I hadn't noticed yet... silly silly me.

But anyway, have a look, and maybe it can help someone as well.