Ruby, pardon me for butting in, but this isn't a good idea. The fact is, since he is a minor he isn't your responsibility, his mother and father have that job. Having him live with you, althought its a nice idea if this was a nice world, is a bad idea in so many legal ways. For instance, lets just say he does live with you and lets just say he does something he isn't supposed to, like get in trouble at school, nothing serious, just enough to warrant a phone call to his mother. His mother would be put in the position of admitting he can't take care of her son and now the school is involved. You aren't related in anyway to him and that's an issue. This is the world of "suing" and I have a feeling that should something happen, you and your boyfriend would be dragged in the middle of it and it could cost you both financially and emotionally. If you and your boyfriend are serious about this my suggestion is to consult a lawyer, pay the $400 an hour just to get some guidance on your rights and how you can protect yourself should something happen while he is in your care. I would also have a sit down with BOTH parents to discuss this. I understand the bond your boyfriend has with this child but the legal ramifications aren't worth it, belive me, I've seen it.