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  1. #61
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Quote Originally Posted by zoëgirl View Post
    And at summer camp one time I broke my finger playing volleyball. So I went to the infirmary to get it wrapped up and the nurse wasn't there so I had to wait and while I was waiting this little kid comes and waits too and he's clutching his stomach looking miserable. Then he says that he v*d on the way to the infirmary. So I get up and sit on a bench near the infirmary. Then he starts v*ing and I run away so fast that I almost tripped over a tree root. I never got my finger wrapped up until that afternoon, so I'm just walking around with my finger hurting really badly.
    I did almost this exact same thing! In like 4th grade I had to go to the office to call my parents for some reason, and in our elementary school the phone you could use was in the nurse's office. So, I go inside and see a boy that I know in my class sitting there with a trash can looking awful, who then goes, "Hey Claryn! Guess what? I've just v* like 6 times!!" So I freak out, grab the phone then go into the corner and face the wall. Of course, suddenly I hear him start v* right behind me, so I bolt out of the nurse's office and plaster myself against the wall, so scared I could only inch away from the door slowly. Then office receptionist asked me what was wrong, and when I didn't answer, if I got to use the phone. All I could do was squeak out "... no!" then I bolted out of the office.
    ~Claryn :3
    Listen to my conversation with Dr. Drew on Loveline about emetophobia (warning: slightly graphic, fakey v* sound effect):
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  2. #62
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    These are so funny! I usually hum and plug my ears. One time I was riding in the car with my mom and brother. My brother was in the back seat with me. He took a drink of lemonade, and stupid me, decided to tickle him while he was drinking it. Well, he ended up choking on it and v* all over the back seat! It was winter and we still had 45 more mintues to get home. My mom would only let me crak the window a half and inch!! So, with a seatbelt on, I stuck my nose far up the crack for 45 minutes. It was very uncomfortable, but I'd do anything! Lol

  3. #63
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Back when i wasn't emet....like 8 years ago.....my boyfriend slept over because he was so drunk and he was sleeping in my bed and i was on the floor...just in case he v* and for some reason i woke up and i sat up in place and no sooner did he lean over and v* all over my pillow.....something made me sit up and good think cuz i would of had v* all over my face. I thought it was gross and funny back then but if i was crazy emet back then like i am now i wouldn't of even let him stay over. YUCK!

  4. #64
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    OMG Tmericle that is so funny lol

  5. #65
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I havent actually had anyone v* around me since I developed emetophobia (around 6 months ago after a friend of a friend v*d in my mum's car when we were giving them a lift). However, I have been tempeted to ditch class when someone says they are sick and once a girl, who was sitting next to me at the time, said she had been sick the past few days and I spent the whole lesson leaning away from her in my chair and practically ran out of the classroom at the end of the lesson. I do have plans though f someone is sick. For example, I always think about how I can escape from a room if someone is sick, even if it involves pushing over a desk and legging it. Also, I have plans for at home, especially if my sister gets sick in the middle of the night, where I will sleep outside (no matter how cold it may be). If it was in the middle of the day I would just spend the day outside anyway. I also always keep spare batteries for my mp3 player charged "just in case".

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    My first instinct is always to run away, as far and quick as possible. Once, in second grade, a boy went to the front of the class and got sick in the trash can. The whole class was just kind of frozen and silent, sitting there not sure and shocked. Then I blurt out, MRS. LATORRE CAN I GO TO THE BATHROOM????????? She calmly said yes and I bolted out of there and cried in the restroom for 15 minutes. When I returned to the class, the sick boy was gone but I was still a mess and spent another 15 minutes crying in the teacher's arms.

    This would happen a lot in elementary school, actually. This is just one of the ones that sticks out the most because of how I just abruptly yelled out and ran away. Kind of funny now.
    The waiting seems eternity
    a day will dawn of sanity.

  7. #67
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I have to admit, I laughed at most of these stories but not because they were funny. But because I could relate to almost ALL of them!

    Ok, so time to share my own stories!

    Recently I went camping with my boyfriend of 4 years and his family. We both don't drink alcohol very often if at all because we work a lot, but he decided that this camping trip was a chance to let loose. Well, he ended up not listening to me and drinking 3/4ths of a bottle of Southern Comfort. I was nervous/anxious/mad all night watching him be drunk (I had drank 1 beer and no more for fear of...well you know!) and at about 3 am we decided to go to bed because we had run out of wood for the fire. I was VERY nervous/scared to go to the tent with him and had told him probably a million times in the 40 feet to the tent that if he felt sick he BETTER get out of the tent.

    I sat up, shaking and very upset next to him for probably 20 minutes before i finally calmed myself down enough to lay down and try to sleep. LOW AND BEHOLD right as I was about to fall asleep I heard the infamous sounds. I LEPT across the tent (was a 7 man tent) and was closing my eyes, plugging my ears and screaming at the top of my lungs "GET THE F*** OUT OF THE TENT!!!!!" over and over at him. After about 10 seconds (maybe!) I decided to try getting out of the tent. I literally body rushed the tent door, clawed at the zipper and flung myself out. I grabbed my shoes and RAN down the hill back to the campfire without even putting my shoes on!

    Sorry that was a long one! Here is a very short story yet still kind of chuckle worthy.

    I tried out to be on the swim team when I was in highschool. And after the try-outs, we were standing talking to the coach and a kid RANDOMLY got sick RIGHT next to me. I jumped out of my skin and BOLTED for the locker room door. The coach stopped me and MADE me stand there while the kid was...well you know! He said that sometimes when people swim a lot that happens. Needless to say, I NEVER went back to swim team. :P!!

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I remember every time someone has gotten sick around me...elementary school was the worst.
    In first grade, I was invited to sleep over at a friend's house with a few other girls, my first time visiting someone else's house. She had a little brother who was sick that night...out of about 10 girls, it was me who he had to sleep beside. I didn't sleep all night, and kept my head buried underneath the pillow. After that night, I didn't sleep at a friend's house until 6th grade.

    In second grade, it was art class. The boy across the table from me became sick, all over his drawing and mine. The rest of the class stared or kept working, but I bolted out of the room and cried and shook in the bathroom for the remainder of the class. I got lectured by the teacher and my mother afterwards.

    It seems like there was one child every year, at least. Even in 9th grade, two boys decided to have a glue-eating contest (apparently they never grew up), and one had to run right past me to be sick outside. I was in tears, I could hear him behind me...some of my classmates made fun of me for the rest of the year.

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    One time my friend said she was feeling sick in the school library (which was pretty small by the way) and I fled for my life to the back of the room. Somebody yelled "Katie's t* u*!" and I IMEADIATLY grabbed a book of the shelf (which was about beta fish), set it on my knees, plugged my ears, and started shouting "PRETTY BETA FISH! PRETTY BETA FISH! OH LOOK IT'S A WHITE BETA FISH! BETAFISHBETAFISHBETAFISH DOUBLE TAILED BETA FISH!" I looked like a complete idiot, but then the guy I like apparently was just as scared as I was and joined me in shouting about beta fish. After the ordeal was over we were both shaking and saying "Oh my gosh I think I heard her v*! Ewewewew that was so terrible yuck yuck EW." If it weren't for him being there that would have been an emotionally scarring event.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Once when I was in the hospital there was this guy in the room beside me and he was throwing up terribly! I first tried to escape from the window, but that didnt work. Then I ran out of my room and said I CAN'T SLEEP!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!! Not that funny but the way I was screaming was freaking hilarious!

    When I was younger and someone said that they felt sick. I would talk to them and say "I heard so-and-so has a crush on you!" and they'd be like "WHAT!" adn then they'd be talking about that so they would forget they were sick. Doesn't really work now because I'm 15.

    When I see someone throw up though, usually I run like mad and I don't care where I am!

  11. #71
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    haha some of these are kinda funny but sad. I do the humming and plugging my ears thing too! and when i think someone in my house is gonna be sick, i run straight to my room into my closet and i stay in there for days except for when i have to use the bathroom. i make my mom bring me food and i make her wash her hands alot...i guess that sounds kinda bad actually

  12. #72
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Just today my sister got sick in the car, right at the beginning of a 6-hour drive. We pulled over, and I jammed my fingers in my ears, got into the fetal position, and started rocking back and forth, singing loudly until she was done. I was in the front seat and she was in the back, so it wasn't like I had to see it or anything.
    Afterwards though, I felt really bad. For her, I mean.

  13. #73
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    i have a few stories.
    One is, one time i was in the car with my grandparents and brother, who wasn't feeling too great, and he was in the front and i was in the back. All of a sudden he started this whining and saying "STOP THE CAR STOP THE CAR" because he was going to get sick ( we were going from NH to CT) so, even though i was in the back, i curled up in a ball, rolled down the window all the way (we were on the highway) plugged my ears and started crying very loudly, and stuck my head out the window. then he threw up, and we decided to go back for a day or so, since we hadn't gone that far. SO SCARY.

    And just now, my family has been sick with a bug all week and only one of my brothers threw up, and i just stayed outside and on a bike ride for a while. But my dad, he had this surgery so he CAN'T throw up no matter how hard he tries, because he used to puke for no reason as a child, so he had to get it. But today, he wants to throw up because he feels so horrible, and he knows about this fear, and purposly came over to me, wiped his hands on my blanket and made me have a freak out, and he kept questioning me on what am i afraid of about puke AND I JUST COULDN'T ANSWER him because i didn't know, its just a really bad phobia of mine... but he kept going near me , it made me cry and run upstairs and lock myself in my room.

  14. #74
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Yeah! I did the humming and putting my fingers in my ear thing when I was babysitting!

    They were eating dinner and suddenly the 6 year old starting coughing and gagging and stood up and leaned over like he was going to v*. I looked away and jammed my fingers in my ears and hummed. He ended up just spitting out what he was "choking" (obviously for REAL choking or anything) on. Thank god, because I've neve had to clean up someone's v* before and don't know if I could do it!
    ~Claryn :3
    Listen to my conversation with Dr. Drew on Loveline about emetophobia (warning: slightly graphic, fakey v* sound effect):
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  15. #75
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    My most common way of dealing with v* is to run out of the room/situation as quickly as possible. Sometimes when I'm on the couch in my family room and a v* scene comes on tv, I jump up and start running out of the room, but I get caught up in my blanket and start tripping. It's probably really entertaining to watch me do that.

    One time when my family was driving on the highway, my pregnant sister told my dad to pull the car over. While she opened her car door and started v*, I got out of the car and started practically screaming. Needless to say, my parents were not happy that I got out of the car on the side of the highway.

    Last summer, I watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in a movie theater, completely unaware that there were so many v* scenes in it. So when one came up, I didn't have any time to run out of the theater, so I turned around (to not face the screen) and started saying random things loudly (because I couldn't hear the v* scene when I was talking). There just so happened to be a person sitting behind me who probably thought I was completely insane when I turned around and said random things. It was kind of embarrassing but funny.

  16. #76
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I have been running away from v* my whole life! I remember in 2nd grade I use to hide out in the bathroon (funny place haha) instead of going to recess since kids seemed to get sick then. I remember in 3rd grade I got in trouble for leaving the cafteria where someone was being sick and walking through the highschool that was attached to the grade school building for hours. In highschool I remember being in the bathroom when someone came in the stall next me and started making sick noises and I ran out without even getting my clothes all situated...same thing happen again at work a couple years back. At work this year a kid I was working with became ill in the bathroom (thank goddness she made it there) and I could hear her. My heart started racing and I just ran out the house and started screaming for help...coworkers thought I was crazy! Very recently my supervisor at my internship was acting like she wasnt feeling good and might be sick and I walked out in the middle of our meeting while she was still talking to me, I could hear her saying "where you going". Im still a little embarrased about that one.

  17. #77
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    One night me and my friend were drinking at my house, this was her first time having vodka and i gave her a bit too much. She was laying in my bed saying she didnt feel good and i kept telling her to go to the bathroom. I for some reason keep bages under my bed and she knew they were there and i saw her grab one and she starting gagging/burping into the bag and i knew what was coming. I was screaming at her to get out of my room as i sprinted down the steps, out the door and called my boyfriend in complete panick. I made her sleep in the bathroom and i didnt sleep in my room for weeks because i thought it was infected.

  18. #78
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Janie, I just wanted to say that that story isn't funny at all but I swear I chuckled to myself because I can just see me doing the same thing! Did your friend get mad at you or anything the next day for making her sleep in the bathroom?
    Just remember to breath....

  19. #79
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Haha yeah she actually was mad but i didnt want her puking anywhere near me. I was going to put her in the guest room but then i would have to clean it up if she puked in there. She got over it though.

  20. #80
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I havent done anything too extreme, as if been luckly enough not to witness and be near alot of sick people before my emet got really bad..I just seem to be able to move REALLY fast liek lightening! lol and avoid situation like travelin in a car with anyone i dont know just in case they have cs*

    One thing i did do once which i feel bad for is when my lil bro got a sv* and was s* in the night. He then came down stairs and started telling me.. so i closed the door in his face and locked it!!!.. >.<
    "To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead"

    ./\、 ..meow?
    (゚、 。 7
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  21. #81
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    one time, my sister had mono. it made her immune system pretty weak and now she gets s*** easily. she got a simple cold one time and the mucus made her s*** on her stomach. That night, she ran to the bathroom right by my room and i could hear her calling for mom. I knew what was going on and went to go sleep in moms room that night... usually though i just plug my ears and try to concentrate on something else
    &lt;3 ~Julia~ &lt;3

  22. #82
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    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    its so good to hear that people do the same as me. I always do the fingers in ears, humming or singing if i can't get away. I have done many things to escape v* including wetting the bed when dad v* in the bathroom and we only had one toilet, i was desperate to pee and absolutely terrified to go in there. When my sister v*,(we shared a room) i screamed and cried hysterically to let mum and dad let me sleep in their room. I can also remember my cousin v* in the car hanging out the window and me hanging out the other window desperately trying to escape.

  23. #83

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    I'm so happy to hear that I'm not alone here. I'm so glad I found this place.
    Also, sorry for the long post =/

    I remember when I was in Health class in school, and we were doing a section on bulimia. My teacher showed us a video about it, and I panicked so hard that she let me go to the nurse.

    Another thing I've done, which is probably a little bad because I want to become a counselor at this camp:
    I was a counselor in training, and our group had been split up to work with the young campers. I was in the cabin with the youngest kids, and one of them got a stomach bug, probably from the crap food. I was washing hands, and I saw her in the mirror leaning over the toilet. I somehow ended up in my bunk under the blankets, my hands still covered in soap. I felt awful, because as a CIT I was supposed to be acting like a counselor to these kids. Luckily, the full counselors I was working with dealt with it, and one of the girls brought the sick girl to the health lodge. For a day or so after, I was avoiding the girl for fear that she was contagious, but I felt really, really bad about it so I forced myself to just get over it.

    Another incident, also at the very same camp (this stuff happens a lot, it seems, but I still love the place; I guess incentive for working to get over the phobia) was one time, a few years ago. The camp is separated into two parts, one for the younger kids and one for the older kids (teens, pretty much). That year, there was a hugely contagious stomach bug going around in the younger kids' camp, and when they came to our camp for the dance (which happens every two weeks) they all v*d all over our pavilion. Me and another girl in my cabin who also had emet freaked out so hard, because we were in the cabin closest to the dance, and we could hear it. We ended up climbing into one of our bunks and freaking out together. For the rest of the session, I refused to go anywhere near any of the younger kids, and I held my breath every time we passed the pavilion (unfortunately, you HAVE to pass it in order to get through the camp). Luckily, the bug didn't catch on in the older kids' camp.

  24. #84
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    Sep 2010

    Default Re: Funny Things You've Done to Avoid Seeing Someone Get Sick

    Quote Originally Posted by amarkham01 View Post
    We're all so much alike! Sorry for writing so much, but I just like to tell my crazy stories to people who are like "oh yeah, I do that" instead of "what the hell?" So here we go....

    Anyways, here is some of my crazy: Bus riding. I do it. And I feel like I've calculated all the possible v* related risks involved in bus riding so I can do it as safely as possible. I ALWAYS sit on the window side of the seat (yes, trapped!). I figure I'm not going anywhere near a bus if I feel even slightly s*, so I dont' have to be worried about myself being s* on a bus and trapped because I will NEVER let it happen. However, if I'm "trapping" somebody by sitting on the outside isle seat, and they have to be s* on the bus ride, it's gonna be on ME if I'm trapping them. I'd rathar be trapped and let them p* in the isle. And if, God forbid, this ever happens, which of course, would suck severely even though it's not directly on me, I know for a fact, I will have NO trouble pushing and climbing over people and insisting I be let off the bus immediately! (haha, hope it never comes to that!)
    OMG, I was on a bus once and felt that v* was imminent. I was just panicking inside. I had been on a flight from Houston to LAX and the flight was bumpy. I hadn't eaten all day and the turbulence was pretty bad and I asked the flight attendant for a rum and coke to try and calm my nerves. I ate a bag of pretzels too. I get to LAX and I had to take a shuttle bus service back to where I live which is about a half hour ride or maybe a little more. While waiting for the bus, my stomach felt a little weird all of a sudden but no big deal. About halfway through the bus ride, the motion of the bus, combined with it being night and my stomach already feeling strange was giving me that unforgettable feeling that I was about to get sick. The bus was 100% packed. There was no bathroom on board and about 15-20 more minutes of driving. I was in panic mode. I was seated in the middle of area of the bus so everybody would see me if it happened. It took every bit of willpower, deep breathing, trying to visualize pleasant thoughts to keep myself from getting sick. Oh man, it was awful! But luckily being able to put myself in a zen like state while the minutes went by like hours kept everything down. I'd have been mortified to get sick in front of all those people. Then have to sit there with it on the floor for 20 minutes until we arrive with everyone being able to smell it and recoil in horror.

    Since then, I've gotten in the habit of always carrying an airsickness back with me anytime I think I may be in a place where I'm sort of trapped and access to a bathroom is uncertain. I wouldn't even think of going into a bus without having an airsick bag in my pocket or day bag. I take them from airplanes when I fly. I probably have about 10 of them. I also keep a few in my glove compartment in the car. Even if I don't feel sick, I bring the air sick bag with me just in case I do feel sick of all a sudden and have to heave in a place where it would embarrass me. In fact I'd almost rather do it in a bag anyway, so then I can put it to my mouth and not have to see what it looks like coming out. Seeing what it looks like on the ground or toilet is one of the worst parts, as well as hearing the splashing sound is what gets me. If it's going from your mouth straight to a sick bag and you don't really look at it, it doesn't seem half as bad, at least in theory. My mother who is a nurse and has seen her share of v* in her career said that it looks like a lot when you see it on the ground, but when someone does it in one of those plastic curved containers they give to nauseated patients it's really not that much and the pool of v* in the container is pretty shallow. If you let go in an air sick bag it would probably fill only about half an inch of the bag at bottom. We always visualize the bag being filled up with barf, but I doubt that's ever the case maybe unless the person just ate a massive amount of food and drink.
    Last edited by mooki; 09-23-2010 at 12:58 AM.



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