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  1. #1
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    Default Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    If you could stop this fear by sticking a finger down your throat, would you do it?

    This is what my therapist wants me to do. He wants me to induce vomiting because he feels that it's absolutely necessary, after having a good amount of CBT therapy under my belt, to vomit as the last "therapy" as a way to prove that, okay, I've done all this therapy, learned all this stuff, made all these changes to my negative thought patterns and behaviour.... now it's time to face my fear head on.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I would never do it. Not unless I was poisenend and was going to die if I didn't vomit. I don't think that inducing vomiting will cure you. I fear that it would make your phobia worse.

  3. #3
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    Rhode Island, USA

    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I would never do that. Forced vomiting isn't a good idea unless you've ingested posion or something harmful. You should never be told that you have to vomit to be cured because it's not true. If you decide to go through with it good luck to you and I hope that you get out of it what you're looking for. Let us know what happens! <3
    My Mantra:
    If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
    -Originally an IES member since October, 2009-

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I understand his point... if you never face your fear head on at some point (as long as it isn't something that could kill you of course), you don't really know if you're over it. BUT, if I COULD stick a finger down my throat, I wouldn't be emetophobic in the first place, would I? And even normal people who are not afraid of vomiting don't want to - and maybe couldn't - do that. So ???

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I have tried it, and it was when i had been drinking.
    I've said before, I dunno what it is, but I'm okay with being S* when I'm hungover.

    But nothing happened..
    I think because of my phobia, my body won't let me make myself V*
    I literally cannot make myself S*

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    so being able to stick your fingers in your throat means you aren't emetophobic?
    I don't think this is true.

    People have varying degrees of the phobia, I used to be much worse but now I'm more rational and feel fine doing it when I'm hungover.

    If I had a bug this would be a different story.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't recommend it to someone else. Vomiting that happens from physical induction is different from what happens from ipecac, which is different from what happens from a stomach virus. You don't get the buildup of bodily sensations that happens with vomiting from illness. It's just a mechanical vomit that comes up before your fingers are even out of your mouth.

    Some people have been cured by inducing with ipecac and some haven't. (See stories on my web site at the link in my sig.) I have never heard of anyone being cured by inducing with fingers. One girl even tried to induce vomiting by drinking a gallon of milk. Amazingly, she did it twice and didn't vomit either time.

    Maybe the thing to do is to resolve that the next time you feel nauseated enough to vomit, you'll allow yourself to do it. The problem is, it's one think to make that resolution in your therapist's office and another thing to actually vomit when you're feeling ill. There is also the matter of timeliness. For me, the last time I was nauseated enough to vomit was 11 years ago. Even if you made that resolution, would your next nausea come in time for you to follow through and make a difference?

    You might read the article about how a psychologist cured a woman of emetophobia by getting her to vomit with ipecac: http://emetophobia.byethost15.com/cure0.html

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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I don't really know if I'd do it... If I was given a garantte that I would be 100% cured of the fear then I would try it... Don't believe this will really help and so I wouldn't do it either... If you do decide to try... let me know if it did help... and I shall do more than just eat my words...
    Good luck and hope you find the right answer soon
    Take care Jaynielu

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    ipecac is really harsh and frightening stuff.
    the times i have seen it used looks horrendous.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I found the story of the girl who did the gallon challenge twice. It was here on IES:

    There is also a story on my site about a girl who cured herself by doing the gallon challenge. http://emetophobia.byethost15.com/cure7.html

    To learn more about emetophobia, see
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  11. #11
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by eils20 View Post
    so being able to stick your fingers in your throat means you aren't emetophobic?
    I don't think this is true.
    For me it is absolutely true. If I could do THAT, I would not be emetophobic.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by eils20 View Post
    I used to be much worse but now I'm more rational and feel fine doing it when I'm hungover.

    If I had a bug this would be a different story.
    So maybe your fear isn't so much about vomiting, since you don't have a problem vomiting in certain situations in which you feel safe (ie hung over), maybe your fear is more about coming down with an actual illness (ie virus)? I don't know.... just asking. Because I think (and this is only my opinion based on my own experience with emetophobia) that if you have a true phobia of anything, you're not okay with that thing in ANY situation... otherwise it's not a phobia, I don't think?? Maybe I'm wrong.

    Just thinking out loud here.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by gumdropper1 View Post
    Maybe the thing to do is to resolve that the next time you feel nauseated enough to vomit, you'll allow yourself to do it. The problem is, it's one think to make that resolution in your therapist's office and another thing to actually vomit when you're feeling ill.
    Exactly. When I'm feeling fine, I do say that the next time I'm really nauseated I'll allow myself to vomit without doing anything to try to stop it... but when push comes to shove, I just can't do it! The fear takes over.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by jaynielu View Post
    I don't really know if I'd do it... If I was given a garantte that I would be 100% cured of the fear then I would try it...
    I don't think a guarantee is something anyone can give with any kind of therapy. Some things work for some people, while absolutely nothing works for others. The only way to know is to try... but I don't think I have the amount of courage it takes to do this. On the other hand, he's the professional, and my best thinking got me where I am today.... emetophobic! So maybe I should trust him, do it, and see. What's the worst that could happen? It doesn't work? I won't be any worse off than I am now.

    If only I could do it without that awful gagging/retching.... ugh. I think that's the worst part of vomiting for me. That feeling.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Maondaymay, i still don't like it, i just cope better than i did before. i feel okay because like i said, my rational side has made me see its not a "bug" when im hungover.
    im definitely petrified of V*, D*, SV*, noro or any other case in which i may be S* due to an illness caused by a germ or bacteria.

    Now im older, I see more rationally than i did before.
    Ive been to numerous therapists and counsellors which i feel has helped me slightly.

    I know im an emetophobe and always will be, ive just learnt how to deal with it.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I agree with Eils20. I have a lot of control of my emet and being ill due to a hangover or even due to exams or a migraine or maybe being too full doesn't frighten me because usually you can control it and you know it's is going to end soon... Whereas Stomach bugs, you don't know how many times it is going to happen and you don't know how long it will take you to recover, I know bugs are 24-48 hours but some people seem to recover quicker others longer and THATS what I am scared off. Whereas with too much alcohol, you feel crap, make yourself sick and it's over youy can start to feel better. If only noro was that simple. X

  17. #17
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    Reading, England

    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Hmmm! If you look at some of the stuff in the Treatments and FAQ forums you’ll see that there is considerable debate about whether or not actually vomiting is necessary to be fully cured. Certainly Sage is of the opinion that it isn’t and funnily enough I’ve just read the chapter discussing a range of phobias in Edmund Bourne’s Anxiety and Phobia Workbook (very good and recommended by the way) and the small section on emetophobia in there also refers to there being a split amongst therapists as to whether it helps or not.

    For what it’s worth I’d question whether it is necessary to do so, simply because there are other phobias out there which are successfully treated and yet by definition cannot possibly involve the patient undertaking direct exposure in that way, such as fear of flying (therapists tend not to arrange for their client to be in a plane crash) or fear of death as offering to shoot their patient during the last session would probably get them struck off. What’s more, I’m not convinced that sticking your fingers down your throat would achieve anything as I can imagine it would be over very quickly but without any of the attendant nausea which in many cases (and probably in mine as well) is the real cause of the anxiety.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by m0ndaymay View Post
    So maybe your fear isn't so much about vomiting, since you don't have a problem vomiting in certain situations in which you feel safe (ie hung over), maybe your fear is more about coming down with an actual illness (ie virus)? I don't know.... just asking. Because I think (and this is only my opinion based on my own experience with emetophobia) that if you have a true phobia of anything, you're not okay with that thing in ANY situation... otherwise it's not a phobia, I don't think?? Maybe I'm wrong.

    Just thinking out loud here.
    Monday May- I wondered this as well and asked my Doctor because the only problem I have with vomit is the norovirus. I don't even mind sick bugs if they make you sick once. The multiple episodes with noro freak me out. And my Doctor said it just depends on the scale of ur emet- some people are scared of all types of vomit and others are only uncomfortable with vomit that is contageous... So I am still classed as emet because if I saw someone with noro I would completely panic, not eat anything and wash my hands till the skin came off and someone who is NOT emet, would not do any of these things. I know what u mean though, this confused me and I asked my Dr. about it... So my Dr. says I have a noro phobo.. LOL! xx

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I have a long history as a purging anorexic, and no, making yourself v* by sticking your fingers down your throat is not a cure. If it was I would have been cured a very long time ago. Maybe have your therapist read some of Sage's articles on induced v-ing and effective treatment on this site? It might be helpful.
    Disclaimer: Any nutritional or health related advice I give is well intentioned and intended for general educational purposes only that may or may not apply to your personal health situation. It does NOT in any way, shape or form constitute as medical or dietetic advice. I am not your nutritionist and you are not my patient. Please discuss anything you may learn from any of my health related posts with your doctor and nutritionist prior to making any related changes.

    Love me or hate me I am who I am. It isn't going to change. Don't confuse a succinct response or commitment to accuracy as being cavalier or patronizing.

  20. #20
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    I would question a therapist who would suggest that...seems extreme and harmful. Be careful.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by eils20 View Post
    Maondaymay, i still don't like it, i just cope better than i did before. i feel okay because like i said, my rational side has made me see its not a "bug" when im hungover.
    im definitely petrified of V*, D*, SV*, noro or any other case in which i may be S* due to an illness caused by a germ or bacteria.

    Now im older, I see more rationally than i did before.
    Ive been to numerous therapists and counsellors which i feel has helped me slightly.

    I know im an emetophobe and always will be, ive just learnt how to deal with it.
    This makes sense. I understand better where you're coming from. For me though, I'm terrified of vomitng no matter what the reason. I don't care if someone else vomits though - I can help them if they're sick in front of me... as long as they're not contagious.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by rachel1989 View Post
    I agree with Eils20. I have a lot of control of my emet and being ill due to a hangover or even due to exams or a migraine or maybe being too full doesn't frighten me because usually you can control it and you know it's is going to end soon... Whereas Stomach bugs, you don't know how many times it is going to happen and you don't know how long it will take you to recover, I know bugs are 24-48 hours but some people seem to recover quicker others longer and THATS what I am scared off. Whereas with too much alcohol, you feel crap, make yourself sick and it's over youy can start to feel better. If only noro was that simple. X
    See, to me, neither are that simple. Vomiting from a virus or a hangover is equally terrifying. I can't compartmentalize my phobia... as I said above, I'm terrified of vomiting in any situation. One isn't better or easier than another for me.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by orton99 View Post
    For what it’s worth I’d question whether it is necessary to do so, simply because there are other phobias out there which are successfully treated and yet by definition cannot possibly involve the patient undertaking direct exposure in that way, such as fear of flying (therapists tend not to arrange for their client to be in a plane crash) or fear of death as offering to shoot their patient during the last session would probably get them struck off. What’s more, I’m not convinced that sticking your fingers down your throat would achieve anything as I can imagine it would be over very quickly but without any of the attendant nausea which in many cases (and probably in mine as well) is the real cause of the anxiety.
    Because I'm terrified of vomiting for any reason, in any situation, my therapist feels that because we have done so much CBT and desensitization, it might be a good idea for me to induce vomiting for the very reason that I have SOME control over it, without the added distress of that horrible leading up to it nausea.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rachel1989 View Post
    Monday May- I wondered this as well and asked my Doctor because the only problem I have with vomit is the norovirus. I don't even mind sick bugs if they make you sick once. The multiple episodes with noro freak me out. And my Doctor said it just depends on the scale of ur emet- some people are scared of all types of vomit and others are only uncomfortable with vomit that is contageous... So I am still classed as emet because if I saw someone with noro I would completely panic, not eat anything and wash my hands till the skin came off and someone who is NOT emet, would not do any of these things. I know what u mean though, this confused me and I asked my Dr. about it... So my Dr. says I have a noro phobo.. LOL! xx
    You norophobe you! LOL I think we're all norophobes. Ugh.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by barbiegirl View Post
    I have a long history as a purging anorexic.
    This is interesting. How is it possible to be able to purge, to the point of being anorexic (which requires a lot of purging, is my point) AND be emetophobic? That sounds like an oxymoron - a purging anorexic emetophobe. Can you please explain?

    I'm struggling with the mere THOUGHT of sticking my finger down my throat, so if I could'can bring myself to do THAT, I don't know if it's going to fully cure me, but it will definitely be a huge step forward.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by andee View Post
    I would question a therapist who would suggest that...seems extreme and harmful. Be careful.
    Thank you... I'll be careful.

  27. #27
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Most therapists wouldn't recommend that. The only way I would induce vomiting would be if I swallowed something that had no antidote and would kill me if I didn't get rid of it (eg Methanol, ricin). Those of you who know me, know I actually work with methanol a LOT and obsess over this highly unlikely quandry, but there goes the obsessive mind grasping at something else. Long story short? Never, unless it was life or DEATH.

  28. #28
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by m0ndaymay View Post
    This is interesting. How is it possible to be able to purge, to the point of being anorexic (which requires a lot of purging, is my point) AND be emetophobic? That sounds like an oxymoron - a purging anorexic emetophobe. Can you please explain?

    Anorexia does not require any purging at all. It's complicated and far more personal that I am willing to get into a) on a public board and b) with people who I don't know well.
    Disclaimer: Any nutritional or health related advice I give is well intentioned and intended for general educational purposes only that may or may not apply to your personal health situation. It does NOT in any way, shape or form constitute as medical or dietetic advice. I am not your nutritionist and you are not my patient. Please discuss anything you may learn from any of my health related posts with your doctor and nutritionist prior to making any related changes.

    Love me or hate me I am who I am. It isn't going to change. Don't confuse a succinct response or commitment to accuracy as being cavalier or patronizing.

  29. #29
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by barbiegirl View Post
    Anorexia does not require any purging at all. It's complicated and far more personal that I am willing to get into a) on a public board and b) with people who I don't know well.
    I completely respect that. It's just that you described yourself as a purging anorexic so I was curious.

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Would you stick a finger down your throat?

    Quote Originally Posted by jkl81 View Post
    Most therapists wouldn't recommend that. The only way I would induce vomiting would be if I swallowed something that had no antidote and would kill me if I didn't get rid of it (eg Methanol, ricin). Those of you who know me, know I actually work with methanol a LOT and obsess over this highly unlikely quandry, but there goes the obsessive mind grasping at something else. Long story short? Never, unless it was life or DEATH.
    I think I'm going to do it... at least try to. My quality of life because of emetophobia is virtually non-existent, so I'm going to do/try everything to help me get over this so I can get back to enjoying life and actually living, instead of just existing. So in a way, recovery for me IS life and death.... I don't want to continue living like this. Things HAVE TO get better.



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