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  1. #91
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    Oct 2013

    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by KaydeeJayde View Post
    Yeah… Uh no. When someone questions my recovery purely because they don't agree with what I'm saying, that doesn't fly with me, and I'm going to defend myself.
    So you are, on purpose, continuing to argue and make this place messier than it already is? Alright. Or you could just, you know, be the bigger man and ignore it.
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  2. #92
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    I try and ignore a lot here, admittedly I'm not always successful, but the minute someone undermines someone else's recovery ( mine or anyone else's) that's something I can't ignore because it's a really low thing to do. I am so proud of how far I've come, I won't let someone, just because they disagree with something I've said, undermine my progress.

  3. #93
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Not only that, Amanda is singling out Kaydee when almost all of us have voiced our opinion about it. I think Kaydee has every right to stand up for herself when it comes to her recovery or anything else.

    Amanda said that eleven people have PM'd her thus far about Kaydee. I find that extremely hard to believe because every time someone disagrees on here, one or both will often say they're getting PM'd about how awful the other person is.
    If she really is receiving messages about Kaydee I feel that it is absolutely ridiculous.
    Let's imagine Kaydee and others like her didn't frequent this board, it would be a bunch of people freaking out and feeding into each other's fears. Kaydee tends to be the voice of reason. In all reality if someone is freaking out that's it's about to happen and we all say "no, no it's only anxiety" it's only reinforcing their avoidance which in turn reinforces their phobia. Kaydee and others like her don't do that. They tell it like it is, yes, but just because they don't spoon feed people doesn't mean they're rude or deserve this kind of treatment. I know this is fairly far off the topic of benzos and zofran but I feel that Amanda is treating Kaydee unfairly.

    The conversations went Amanda said something, Kaydee disagrees, then Kaydee felt that she may have came off rude (which I don't believe she did) and she apologized, and now Amanda is using her apology against her. Anybody would stand up for themselves in that situation. And any normal person would never use an apology against other.

  4. #94
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by yourjedi View Post
    Quite a few members of my family are on benzos because they *need* to be, and it's usually taken as-needed for most of them. I understand that withdrawal from them can be difficult, but I've had three people I know taper off of benzos before, and it was no harder for them than it was for me to taper off of Zoloft when I was fourteen. Amanda, don't compare apples to oranges here - anti-emetics reinforce fear and I can flat guarantee that the vast majority of people on here who have them take them, most of the time, when they don't need to. I am guilty of doing this myself a couple of times, I have this fear, too - I get it. But, it never cures you.

    Since I have been using Zoloft and Klonopin (as needed) I have felt better doing the things you mentioned you're able to do because of anti-emetics - not because I have a safety-net in place such as an anti-emetic, but because I genuinely feel better because the chemicals in my brain are balanced. While I'm not saying having anti-emetics as a coping mechanism is a bad thing - because it isn't, and everyone is at different stages in their phobia - to tell people on here they are the better option in comparison to SSRIs or benzos - and more than that, are something to be avoided - simply because you've had a bad experience with them, is simply unfair. Many need those drugs to function - myself included. Not trying to be mean or have an attitude, I'm only saying.

    KaydeeJayde, you by far are one of my favorite people on this site! You get quite a bit more flack than you deserve, be it the validity of your "cured" status or whether or not your phobia of only others vomiting is more "severe" than us who fear ourselves getting sick. Just wanna say that you're awesome and think you keep things in check around here - keep doing what you're doing. =) No one should question your recovery status or make it out to be less than what it is!
    I have a prescription for promethazane and I only take them when needed not at every little sign of n* not everyone who has them takes them irresponsible. I also have stomach issues and feel n* quite often and do I take them for that? No. I know the difference between that n*, anxiety n*, and sick n*. They do not act as a crutch from me because I'm not even sure they would work for FP or SV.

    I personally do not want to have to take an antidepressant everyday and possible have to be on them for years or the rest of my life. If that's something that works for you then that's great but I think we all need to stop judging each other for how we choose to recover. Every one is different so everyone's recovery is going to be different, no ones way is better than anyone else's.

  5. #95
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    I am beginning to think that this page isn't for support, it is for middle school kids that want to play games. This particular thread was about taking two different types of drugs.There is a lot of attitude and taking sides. Amanda said nothing wrong. This page has administrators to keep it in line ... that job should not be for other members. There is a lot of judging going on and it sucks. Sure, anyone can say anything that they want to and do anything that they want to, but there should be some sort of sensitivity. When someone comes to this page they are obviously having a difficult time. They do not need to have to read the word "V" over and over and over again. See how easy that was to say it without writing it out? I don't like the word, but I am not going to write it out because I understand that it may make some people feel very bad or anxious. I worked for ten years in the death care industry and in doing so realized that there are some things that you just don't say. I could say, "I'm so sorry for your loss" or I could say, "Sorry your husband is dead". Do you see the difference? It's called sensitivity. The shock therapy approach is not for everyone. Also, a smart ass apology is kind of difficult to accept as sincere. After reading so many, "Just sayin'" type comments that is evident. I sure didn't come to this page to be lectured to.
    Kimberly Michelle~
    "You cannot find peace by avoiding life." ~ Virginia Woolf

  6. #96
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    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by NicManri View Post
    I have a prescription for promethazane and I only take them when needed not at every little sign of n* not everyone who has them takes them irresponsible. I also have stomach issues and feel n* quite often and do I take them for that? No. I know the difference between that n*, anxiety n*, and sick n*. They do not act as a crutch from me because I'm not even sure they would work for FP or SV.

    I personally do not want to have to take an antidepressant everyday and possible have to be on them for years or the rest of my life. If that's something that works for you then that's great but I think we all need to stop judging each other for how we choose to recover. Every one is different so everyone's recovery is going to be different, no ones way is better than anyone else's.
    NicManri, if I came across rude at all, it wasn't my intention. I was specifically talking about people on here - which there are - who *do* take anti-emetics, usually not prescribed to them, at any sign of nausea, imagined or not, as a safety-net. Definitely didn't mean you - you were prescribed it for legitimate reasons, and if it helps you with this phobia in addition to your other symptoms, that's great! I have even mentioned in my other posts on this thread that I don't care if people use anti-emetics as a source of treatment - I get it. I personally would not.

    All I have been trying to say is that I didn't think Amanda's claims are very fair, and that not everyone who takes SSRIs gets "severe nausea" and benzos aren't evil for everyone, and telling impressionable, scared people on here that will drive them away when it could help them. She says it was her right to warn people on here that those drugs are bad and should be avoided because of her terrible experience with them - it was as much my right to inform them that might not be necessarily be true for them, because I take an SSRI and never felt any nausea, even as an emetophobe. Neither has my sister or father who both also take them, in doses up to 200mg.

    Someone's choice to take any medication is completely their own, and everyone will recover differently from this phobia (if at all). I don't recall ever saying otherwise. It is just my opinion that, if I were given the choice between using an anti-emetic or my Zoloft to treat my anxiety over vomit, I would choose Zoloft. Why? I personally think that it's better for me, because I don't want to live in fear of vomiting anymore, I want to be comfortable with it. For me, an anti-emetic would just give me the reassurance that it's something bad, scary and something I should take a medication to avoid, when it isn't.

    Again, all my opinion. =) Like you said, it's a personal choice to choose how to deal with/overcome this phobia.
    Last edited by yourjedi; 03-13-2014 at 11:10 PM. Reason: typos

  7. #97
    Join Date
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    Rhode Island, USA

    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    I generally am a lurker here too, and people have accused me of "cheerleading" Erin, but I met her in real life back in September, and I can say without an ounce of doubt that Kaydeejayde is by far the most compassionate, understanding, and patient person I've ever known. I've been going through a breakup, and despite her living on the other side of the world where she can easily shrug off my whining and bitching with the time difference excuse, she doesn't. She gives me real advice, whether I want to hear it or not. I know a breakup isn't emet, and I'm not comparing it as so. She's hands down my best friend and if she gets caught up and snarky, she apologizes. She's human. Amanda, If you want to compare what you call "not fully recovered" from a recent thread to a "fully recovered" testimonial she's made here? Have fun. I'm sure you can also look back at when she first joined and see her progress....I couldn't read this without saying something because I actually know her and adore her/ her perspective on IES and irl.

    I don't even think 11 different people have replied to this thread, and I'd be baffled if people have an issue with her.

  8. #98
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    Jan 2014

    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by yourjedi View Post
    NicManri, if I came across rude at all, it wasn't my intention. I was specifically talking about people on here - which there are - who *do* take anti-emetics, usually not prescribed to them, at any sign of nausea, imagined or not, as a safety-net. Definitely didn't mean you - you were prescribed it for legitimate reasons, and if it helps you with this phobia in addition to your other symptoms, that's great! I have even mentioned in my other posts on this thread that I don't care if people use anti-emetics as a source of treatment - I get it. I personally would not.

    All I have been trying to say is that I didn't think Amanda's claims are very fair, and that not everyone who takes SSRIs gets "severe nausea" and benzos aren't evil for everyone, and telling impressionable, scared people on here that will drive them away when it could help them. She says it was her right to warn people on here that those drugs are bad and should be avoided because of her terrible experience with them - it was as much my right to inform them that might not be necessarily be true for them, because I take an SSRI and never felt any nausea, even as an emetophobe. Neither has my sister or father who both also take them, in doses up to 200mg.

    Someone's choice to take any medication is completely their own, and everyone will recover differently from this phobia (if at all). I don't recall ever saying otherwise. It is just my opinion that, if I were given the choice between using an anti-emetic or my Zoloft to treat my anxiety over vomit, I would choose Zoloft. Why? I personally think that it's better for me, because I don't want to live in fear of vomiting anymore, I want to be comfortable with it. For me, an anti-emetic would just give me the reassurance that it's something bad, scary and something I should take a medication to avoid, when it isn't.

    Again, all my opinion. =) Like you said, it's a personal choice to choose how to deal with/overcome this phobia.
    Thank you, I was more offended by the people who implied that everyone with anti-emets was addicted or lied to the dr to get them. Which I didn't, I didn't even know they gave them out unless you had a virus, surgery, or were going through chemo. I honestly don't know how people take them all the time as the make me incredible groggy.

    I see both sides of the argument here but I don't care what or how people choose to treat their phobia. Yes, bentos are incredible addicting but as long as your taking them under a drs care then fine. Although their are people who get them others ways, which can really be dangerous. If antidepressant work for you then that's great too. I took celixa (?) breifly for an unrelated problem years ago and honestly didn't like it, I also didn't feel like I need it...anyway it didn't make me n* and I can see how saying that would scare some people who may actually benefit. Anyway, to each their own. My point is we are all dealing with the same struggle and should stop putting each other down for how we choose to cope.

  9. #99
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    I forgot to add that most people don't have v*ing or severe nausea with SSRI drugs. They do carry a boatload of potential side effects and I personally didn't think the relief I got from them justified that risk. Let's be clear though: constant stress and anxiety also carry substantial risks for your body. I didn't see Kaydeejayde's claims to be cured, but I'm surely not going to say she's incorrect if that's what she's claiming. I don't know her personally, but I do know JadeNight and I would trust her asessment.

  10. #100
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by JadeNight View Post
    I generally am a lurker here too, and people have accused me of "cheerleading" Erin, but I met her in real life back in September, and I can say without an ounce of doubt that Kaydeejayde is by far the most compassionate, understanding, and patient person I've ever known. I've been going through a breakup, and despite her living on the other side of the world where she can easily shrug off my whining and bitching with the time difference excuse, she doesn't. She gives me real advice, whether I want to hear it or not. I know a breakup isn't emet, and I'm not comparing it as so. She's hands down my best friend and if she gets caught up and snarky, she apologizes. She's human. Amanda, If you want to compare what you call "not fully recovered" from a recent thread to a "fully recovered" testimonial she's made here? Have fun. I'm sure you can also look back at when she first joined and see her progress....I couldn't read this without saying something because I actually know her and adore her/ her perspective on IES and irl.

    I don't even think 11 different people have replied to this thread, and I'd be baffled if people have an issue with her.
    I love you, that is all!! <3

  11. #101
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by NicManri View Post
    Thank you, I was more offended by the people who implied that everyone with anti-emets was addicted or lied to the dr to get them. Which I didn't, I didn't even know they gave them out unless you had a virus, surgery, or were going through chemo. I honestly don't know how people take them all the time as the make me incredible groggy.
    No one here implied that. Some people here have admitted to lying to get them and some people on here have developed physical dependence on them, so it is a concern. No one here every said everyone is or does.
    "And though she be but little, she is fierce"~Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream

  12. #102
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Hi all,
    I hope everyone is doing well today! It is beautiful here in NC!

    I just wanted to clarify a few points I made earlier in thread:

    1) I did not say that everyone develops n* and v* from SSRIs, I said that SSRIs have a high incidence of n* and v*, which makes a lot of emets scared to take them. I am not going to touch on the other side effects, because I don't feel it's necessary to continue arguing with anyone.
    2) I do not dislike anyone that's posted on this thread. I have not spoken ill of anyone on this thread, on the thread, or in private messages. However, there are (yes, I recounted to check) 11 different people that messaged me in response to this thread. A lot of people are too scared to voice their opinions on this board, which is really sad. They do feel that if they were to state anything, it would be ripped apart - or that they would have to continuously respond in defense of what they feel. Which is why I decided to take the high road and (after my last post) have not commented in response to any more claims made by anyone.
    3) There is a difference between opinion and fact. Other than my opinion given on the different levels of severity of a phobia, and how it affects people differently, I did not give an opinion on anything.

    Again, Kaydee, Dairy, everyone that feels that I personally attacked them or whatever, it is not like that, and it's definitely nothing personal. Benzos and SSRIs should be scary to people (for reasons I stated I am not going to repeat again). Anti-emetics shouldn't, and they don't create physical dependency. If it is your opinion that anti-emetics should not be used, then that is your opinion. But it is not a fact.

    I actually appreciate intelligent conversations about medications and spreading awareness of things like addiction. However, things got heated and emotional, and that's how it usually is when there are a ton of phobics on a board talking about medications they rely on. I am not offended in any way. I am also not mad. I also do not care what anyone takes, or does, or what rituals one follows. I just hope that every one has a great day, and that they have more good days than bad days. I am thankful not only for Zofran, but also this board, regardless of the arguments or disagreements! At the end of the day, if I need support, I come on this board. Sometimes I get some nasty responses, but sometimes I don't.

    I am glad to have every one of you as small pieces of my support system. Have a great day/night,

    “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”-Oscar Wilde

  13. #103

    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Why on earth has this thread decayed into madness, we are suppose to be supporting each other guys.

    If you have any questions about medication speak to a pharmacists or your doctor and discuss it with them.

  14. #104
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by Sicky-Ricky View Post
    Why on earth has this thread decayed into madness, we are suppose to be supporting each other guys.

    If you have any questions about medication speak to a pharmacists or your doctor and discuss it with them.
    Excellent point. As far as I know, no one here is a doctor or pharmacist! Maybe we should leave the anti-emetics vs anti depressants argument to them.

  15. #105
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    How on Earth do you guys get prescriptions for Zofran? I asked my doctor one day if I could have one and she flat-out refused to write me a script. Instead she wrote me a script for an anti-anxiety... What the hell? I mean, really? It's just an antiemetic! Wonder if I should change doctors... or maybe just lied and said I had a bad case of food poisoning... argh.
    Last edited by Goingmonkeys; 03-14-2014 at 03:58 PM.

  16. #106
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by Goingmonkeys View Post
    How on Earth do you guys get prescriptions for Zofran? I asked my doctor one day if I could have one and she flat-out refused to write me a script. Instead she wrote me a script for an anti-anxiety... What the hell? I mean, really? It's just an antiemetic! Wonder if I should change doctors... or maybe just lied and said I had a bad case of food poisoning... argh.
    See...it has been total opposite for me. I wonder if that is because I have several GI issues, though. My primary GP does not prescribe ANY controlled substances at her practice. None of the other GPs I've ever visited does. However, they will prescribe antibiotics like it's a vitamin, lol. It's weird. Do you live in the US? The US has cracked down super hard on narcotics, anti-anxiety medications, and things like Adderall and Ritalin. They are abused and overused. I've never met anyone that's ever had trouble getting an anti-emetic, though. So, perhaps it's just that way in a different country/city/state? For instance, in NC, if you are prescribed Adderall, it CANNOT have refills on it. You must have a new prescription for every new bottle you receive. You can only refill your prescriptions (controlled substances) 3 days early, and that's only sometimes (this includes anti-anxiety meds). Also, you must show your ID and sign a log when you pick up benzos, SSRIs, or anything that's considered a controlled substance. Having Xanax without a prescription lands your ass in jail here, too. It's a Schedule IV drug.

    Two of my friends also obtained prescriptions for Zofran (nonemets), one got 2 refills and the other got 1 refill. This was a few months ago. Is your doctor a physician or a psychiatrist? Because I don't think psychs prescribe things like Zofran, but I could be wrong.
    “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”-Oscar Wilde

  17. #107
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Wow, that's intense! And yeah it's frustrating on the antibiotics part! So many superbugs now because of it. I'm in Los Angeles. My doctor is a general physician. She wrote me a script for Remeron (Mirtazapine) which funny enough can also be an antiemetic lol, but definitely don't want to be hooked on that stuff from all the reviews I've read. It's extremely hard to give up and the withdrawal is insane. I haven't taken it yet -- still in my medicine cabinet. Honestly, I'm afraid to. I want to, but I don't. I just wanted a Zofran prescription! Although I do think psychiatrists would be more understanding in that regard with the phobia and probably be easier to obtain one script. Maybe I'll look into that!
    Last edited by Goingmonkeys; 03-14-2014 at 05:42 PM.

  18. #108
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by Goingmonkeys View Post
    How on Earth do you guys get prescriptions for Zofran? I asked my doctor one day if I could have one and she flat-out refused to write me a script. Instead she wrote me a script for an anti-anxiety... What the hell? I mean, really? It's just an antiemetic! Wonder if I should change doctors... or maybe just lied and said I had a bad case of food poisoning... argh.
    Probably because it's not something you need? I assume you told her you wanted it for your phobia of vomit so she realized antiemetic wouldn't help since you don't have any stomach conditions, just anxiety?
    "And though she be but little, she is fierce"~Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream

  19. #109
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by Goingmonkeys View Post
    Wow, that's intense! And yeah it's frustrating on the antibiotics part! So many superbugs now because of it. I'm in Los Angeles. My doctor is a general physician. She wrote me a script for Remeron (Mirtazapine) which funny enough can also be an antiemetic lol, but definitely don't want to be hooked on that stuff from all the reviews I've read. It's extremely hard to give up and the withdrawal is insane. I haven't taken it yet -- still in my medicine cabinet. Honestly, I'm afraid to. I want to, but I don't. I just wanted a damned Zofran prescription! Although I do think psychiatrists would be more understanding in that regard with the phobia and probably be easier to obtain one script. Maybe I'll look into that!
    So your doctor gave you something to help with both your anxiety and helps prevent vomiting?
    "And though she be but little, she is fierce"~Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream

  20. #110
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by Dairyfreelife View Post
    Probably because it's not something you need? I assume you told her you wanted it for your phobia of vomit so she realized antiemetic wouldn't help since you don't have any stomach conditions, just anxiety?
    C'mon DairyFree, let's stop this madness. Just ignore the things you don't want to see/don't agree with. That's what I decided to do to avoid anymore disruption. I don't want to start up this debate again. :\ She did her research and is afraid of what her DR prescribed, who isn't even a psychiatrist, so shouldn't be prescribing those, anyway.

    Remeron (brand name for what you're on) was a medicine my PREVIOUS psychiatrist tried to put me on when I was going through a tough time with disordered eating. One of the main side effects (20% reported this) was increased appetite. She didn't tell me this, and I felt EXTREMELY distrustful of her. I immediately reached out to her and she said it would be "beneficial" for me to take something to help me "gain weight," which pissed me off. It causes weight gain (12% of patients), too. You don't attempt to make a patient with disordered eating gain weight. Thankfully, I became a person that researches everything (even drug research journals and stuff via my school database, because I am a freak like that lol) that I put in my mouth. It also has a whole other list of common side effects. If you're not comfortable taking them, get a referral to a psychiatrist and speak with them about medicines (any meds) and you and your psych can make a good treatment plan. If you don't have insurance, or bad insurance, try a free mental health clinic. Typically those have long waiting lists, but at least get something started with a psychiatrist and therapist. Your therapist should also be involved in the decision process of your medications. My psych and therapist (regardless of my stomach issues) support my having Zofran. Nothing worse than a sv or fp or just plain n* to interfere with an emet's daily life (such as school, work, family, etc.). The mere threat is enough to disrupt your every day life. So, make an appointment with a psych. They should be able to help you figure out some sort of treatment plan. Also, ask for detailed side effects. My psych is 100% with me with making sure anything I am on (from now on) has a low incidence of side effects. She's also supportive of my not wanting SSRIs, given my dependence on Xanax. Neither of us want me to have to withdraw or taper off any other medication.

    I wish you the best of luck. PM me if you want.!
    “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”-Oscar Wilde

  21. #111
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c


    I sense, what? Hostility? Sarcasm? For what purpose? Because I'm not an advocate to taking a strong anti-anxiety medication? Because I wanted, and preferred, an antiemetic instead? It may seem absurd to some, but my anxiety is nowhere near as controlling and domineering as to be reliant on such a strong medication. I'm nauseous, like, once every 2-3 weeks? I wanted something to take the edge off when I needed it -- simple as that.
    Last edited by Goingmonkeys; 03-14-2014 at 05:41 PM.

  22. #112
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by Goingmonkeys View Post

    I sense, what? Hostility? Sarcasm? For what purpose? Because I'm not an advocate to taking a strong anti-anxiety medication? Because I wanted, and preferred, an antiemetic instead? It may seem absurd to some, but my anxiety is nowhere near as controlling and domineering as to be reliant on such a strong medication. I'm nauseous, like, once every 2-3 weeks? I wanted something to take the edge off when I needed it -- simple as that.
    Not on my part. I sense you are angry for your doctor for giving you what they thought best and not what you asked them to give you. Something to take the edge off...that doesn't sound promising. Why do you think you are nauseous in the first place so often? I am not sure how taking an antiemetic will help your phobia, but then again maybe you aren't out to help it, I dunno. All the withdrawal information is the same as it is for any medication really, so not seeing the same as benzo reactions. They aren't the same type of drug. Regardless, it sounds like your doctor was trying to help you, but it's not what you wanted to hear. Nothing wrong with getting other opinions though.
    "And though she be but little, she is fierce"~Helena, A Midsummer Night's Dream

  23. #113
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    I actually have a script for Zofran but it isn't for my anxiety. I have the absolute hell of endomitriosis and I was talking to my doctor about the pain and nausea I get before my period. He's the one that said "Do you know what Zofran is?" And I told him yes but not why I knew of it (this site lol) and he wrote me a years worth. My nausea with my period hasn't been bad enough to take it yet (I don't want to waste them on anxiety or anything) but I did take some when I had nausea with a sinus infection.

    if I just asked him for some, I highly doubt he would have given them to me but because I have a diagnosed disorder that is absolute pure hell, I think that's why he was so much more understanding.

  24. #114
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Dairyfree, I swear I have never seen someone so intent on writing the word V out over and over and over again. Zero sensitivity. You need to realize that your way isn't the only way. Every comment you have made is sarcastic, know it all bullying. No need for your crew to jump in, but I'm sure they will.
    Kimberly Michelle~
    "You cannot find peace by avoiding life." ~ Virginia Woolf

  25. #115
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    Accidentally replied to a really old comment. Never mind me!
    Jon Miazma Watsky forever <3

  26. #116
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Quote Originally Posted by KimberlyP View Post
    I actually have a script for Zofran but it isn't for my anxiety. I have the absolute hell of endomitriosis and I was talking to my doctor about the pain and nausea I get before my period. He's the one that said "Do you know what Zofran is?" And I told him yes but not why I knew of it (this site lol) and he wrote me a years worth. My nausea with my period hasn't been bad enough to take it yet (I don't want to waste them on anxiety or anything) but I did take some when I had nausea with a sinus infection.

    if I just asked him for some, I highly doubt he would have given them to me but because I have a diagnosed disorder that is absolute pure hell, I think that's why he was so much more understanding.

    You got it for endo? You sure about that? Less than a year ago you posted:

    "So I had my first appointment with my new doctor, he is absolutely amazing! He was soooo understanding of my phobia and I explained to him that I wont abuse them, if I just had anti emetics on hand in the event I were to get a SV, I'd feel so much better going about my life. I also told him that I have a phobia of choking (big baby, lol) so he prescribed me zofran odt (dissolvable zofran) and gave me a year supply of thirty a month.

    My question is has anybody tried dissolvable? The pharmacist told me that I'm not supposed to swallow it, just place it under my tongue and it works FAST. I want to know if this is true. Not that I think she's lying but fast to an emet is completely different than to a non emet."


    Which is funny...because everyone on that thread showed you support in acquiring Zofran for your phobia.

    Also an entire thread dedicated to Gravol (posted by you, 10 days ago, which you are going to buy some to have on hand), which turns into a discussion about phenergan and Zofran, and how safe they are:


    Also, Kimberly, you want more "control" right?


    But you're scared the DR will tell you no? But it's okay for you attack others for using Zofran?

    While I am at it, since y'all refuse to let up:

    Such as Dairyfree pretty much agreeing with me on a previous point I made in this thread,
    "I, too, do not think my anxiety will every just go away, but I am hopeful to get to a place where I can mostly in remission. I think I will have setbacks here and there in the future, but overall, a state where I can handle things like this phobia much better."

    --Exactly what I said my aim was. However, Dairyfree stated I was being...insensitive or something to that effect?

    (Also, there is much more conflicting things from Dairyfree, if you want to put her name in the search box )

    No attacks went on here discussing anti-emetics:


    And Jadenight made a wonderful contribution:
    "No, I have always taken Phenergan orally and it's worked very well"

    I mean there is much more to be found. It only took me a few minutes. I barely even looked into it. I didn't search Kaydee's because her fear is of other people v*, and not herself, means there is no need for her to seek out an anti-emetic.

    I really attempted to squash this with a very nice, and sincere, post made earlier today. But y'all just won't let up! It's ridiculous. So, there, now everyone can stop because...guess what? You are all guilty of the things you are attacking others for doing.

    Have a good night.

    “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”-Oscar Wilde

  27. #117
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    Rhode Island, USA

    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Um. Rude. why am I being dragged in this, "Duh"manda? My part was to defend my friend. Especially sourcing a thread from 2 years ago. Don't quote me, I'll quote me. If anyone wants my recent thoughts and experiences with anti emetics, PM me.

  28. #118
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    Who the hell needs defense from an internet post? Your thoughts on anti-emetics are all over this board. You just seemed to change your thoughts on them when it was in "defense" of a friend.

    My name's pretty cool, right? Kinda like, "Don't tell other people to not do something you do/did yourself." DUH!
    “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”-Oscar Wilde

  29. #119
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    Lol what??? I'm not saying she needs defending but you were getting pretty ridiculous. I felt my .02 towards her was necessary even if it was to solely make HER smile. And I guess if anyone is looking for defense on an internet post, it's you because frankly you won't shut up on the topic. Lol.

  30. #120
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    Default Re: Emetics don't work.. :c

    SHE won't shut up? Oh please... she has been the only person who has posted consistent thoughts on this entire thread. She was spot on regarding the conversation on why Zofran would be preferable to Xanax and she has done it while being ganged up on by these oh so understanding people. Give me a break.
    Kimberly Michelle~
    "You cannot find peace by avoiding life." ~ Virginia Woolf



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